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Week 32 - Secretary


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as for online entries, there have been a few people in the mx world playing with it

two (different i think) systems are out there - one was used for the Sheffield supercross last year and the other by chalgrove club recently (a few MMX's, etc i think). saying that the ACU office did the Maxxis MX champs entries for 2005 and 2006, i think they had some software.

there are several issues around it that need to be resolved, but in principle it could work. off the top of my head;

* who pays who and how - vat issues, credit card handling fees, etc

* any system needs a paperwork based alternative for those folk who aren't as au fait with technology

* at what point do entries close, how is the data handed to the club / secretary who does the signing on, etc

* late entries management

* quotas, reserve, class allocations, etc

* number allocation - as above - random of a formula ???

* insurance / legalities, wording etc - i think this has been resolved since a similar system has/is being used

IMHO a well-designed system should be run from a sever at ACU house, with every club having access to it if they want it. the VAT issue could be tricky, but it would allow validation of licences / clubs at source (presumably the programme could access the membership database and validate the entry).

If technologically it could be done, and work (reliably) those of us in the know could then turn our efforts to lobbying the ACU to do something with this :icon_salut:

All those things you listed are all solvable. Good to see some forward thinking!

VAT is actaully the real tricky one. It dosne't bother my club as we pay VAT anyway and so does the ACU, but for 99% of trials clubs its a huge issue to lose 17.5% from everyone (or you'ld get the accoutant and VAT man to set a natiaonl ratio of number of club members competing in theri own events to get the right number for "mutal trading")

all the other stuff is technical issues that are beyond my knowledge, but i know enough that if you think them out before you start it helps!

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I can't believe my column has just started all this nonsense.

It was that AtomAnt that started it, honest guv' :blush:

Busted :rolleyes:

But by some of the comments, its quite an emotive subject it seems ! Maybe a good subject for a future column Rappers? :icon_salut:

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I can't believe my column has just started all this nonsense. There is only one rule that matters, Rapley has to have a number between middle and end, and when it comes to queues he's allowed to go to the front. And the first to say he does that anyway gets taken to court!!

That's three rules!

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I can't believe my column has just started all this nonsense. There is only one rule that matters, Rapley has to have a number between middle and end, and when it comes to queues he's allowed to go to the front. And the first to say he does that anyway gets taken to court!!

That's three rules!

Ha Ha , Mind you, trials riders have always been crap at counting :icon_salut:

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Over the years my club has aways had trophies, but getting rid of them to the rightful recipients is a total nightmare. First of all you hope to see the rider at the next trial and after perhaps half a year of carting several boxes of trophies to every trial you go to, you still have a box left and don

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First of all I haven't been dumped on - let that be clear. The club's treasurer/trophy secretary recently moved house and asked if I could handle them whilst the move took place which is what I did. In the future they will be handled in the normal way.

And with regards to the trophy evening, Lancs County had one until recently and we experienced the same problem, get it all organised, try and sell tickets etc, get food organised and still there are dozens of awards left uncollected.

I don't know the answer to awards except to provide usable vouchers for winners, which is what we did most recently. We purchased over

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Talking of handing out trophies you want to try getting them back! For the first time ever the Scott Trial trophies will be presented & then handed straight back, only replica awards will be taken home. It's a sad day in my book but those responsible for getting the trophies back, cleaning & then getting them engraved for the next presentation have had enough. As ever a minority of inconsiderate folk spoil it for the rest.

Edited by PERCE
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Perhaps when Rossi qualifies 12th, he should get a front row start because hes one of the top guys, or put Stoner 11th and Haydon 13th so they can ride round together

The more I get into this sport the more i think people just like inventing problems, that just wouldnt exist if people stopped worrying and just got on with it.

With maximum 180 entrys, first envelope you open gets number 1, 180th envelope gets number 180, 181st envelope get his cheque returned, it really is that simple.

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First of all I haven't been dumped on - let that be clear. The club's treasurer/trophy secretary recently moved house and asked if I could handle them whilst the move took place which is what I did. In the future they will be handled in the normal way.

Sounds like a dumping to me!

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Talking of handing out trophies you want to try getting them back! For the first time ever the Scott Trial trophies will be presented & then handed straight back, only replica awards will be taken home. It's a sad day in my book but those responsible for getting the trophies back, cleaning & then getting them engraved for the next presentation have had enough. As ever a minority of inconsiderate folk spoil it for the rest.

Yes, I hear that. We have lost a major (and physically large) trophy presented for one of the top three in the National Colmore Cup.

The amazing thing is we (obviously) know which riders recieved which trophies but none the less it's gone.

Major head ache that we don't need.

If anyone has a trophy from the Colmore. Please let me know where it is, I'd love to get it back.

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With maximum 180 entrys, first envelope you open gets number 1, 180th envelope gets number 180, 181st envelope get his cheque returned, it really is that simple.

Or reverse of receipt of entry if that's a benefit.

And another one... you turn a number of riders away because the trial is full; then a number riders don't turn up and there's big gaps in the entry.

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Doing entries for popular trials is a farce. A recent popular trial had people driving to the secretary's house from miles away and virtually putting the entries into her hand to beat the post. I was told that this was the 'only' way of guaranteeing an entry. If a lot of people have done that then what chance have you got doing it by post?

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