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Pavarotti knocks on the Pearly gates,St Peter opens them and says " oh its you Luciano, come on in,squeeze through" Pavarotti says "hold on a minute Ive got a letter for you from the Pope"






St Peter opens it up and it reads..............



























Heres that Tenor I owe you

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His wife asked a friend to build a coffin for him, so he went down local lumber yard and bought a sheet of plywood for a fiver, brass screws for three quid, and a tin of varnish for two quid. just goes to show, you can still build a coffin for a tenor.

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One of his dying whishes was to be microwaved, so his wife granted his last whish, again it goes to show! it's not over until the fat man pings.

Isherwood, you are a disgrace.......................... but they are damn funny :o

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