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New Twinshock Frame For Bsa Unit Single

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i think you grossley underestimate the number of under 55's willing and riding big bangers in pre65 equally the number of bikes competing in classic green lane trials is causing them problems with the last two events massively oversubscibrd..

Great stuff and good luck to them. It goes to prove that probably the way forward for the more original spec "pre65" stuff is to have events specifically organised for them. The idea being more or a parade or pagent as i had said before numerous times along the lines, in concept if not execution, of the Goodwood festival. As soon as you introduce an element of competition then modifications will be made to make the machine more competitive and that ends with the current situation so dont have one.

I must say most of the people who seem to want this kind of pagent appear to be the ones that watch from the sidelines, which is most definately NOT what trials is about, not the people who ride week in week out.

Whatever if there is such a groundswell of people who want this kind of event then it will obviously be a resounding success and well oversubscribed so good luck, obviously they wont need it, to whoever organises an event or series. They will make a packet :thumbup:

Edited by Old trials fanatic
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Hi Guy's.

WOW I am not getting through at last am I.

Seriously, thanks for all of the comenents.

Woody, What you have said is very sensible, and very much the case in every aspect.You being a very comptent and fit young man(well a lot younger than me) at riding trials, perhaps can't quite, see that certain sections for some old geesers in the SM rounds are still on the tough side and can get exhausting towards the end of thirty miles.But that is down to the ACU to sort with some guidlines perhaps( Oh dear I do feel I may be getting into deep water).

And what you have just said OTF, I hope is the case, we will see!!!!

I know there are younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes aswell. But where are they when you need them???? :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut:

Regards Charlie.

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Hi Guy's.

WOW I am not getting through at last am I.

Seriously, thanks for all of the comenents.

Woody, What you have said is very sensible, and very much the case in every aspect.You being a very comptent and fit young man(well a lot younger than me) at riding trials, perhaps can't quite, see that certain sections for some old geesers in the SM rounds are still on the tough side and can get exhausting towards the end of thirty miles.But that is down to the ACU to sort with some guidlines perhaps( Oh dear I do feel I may be getting into deep water).

And what you have just said OTF, I hope is the case, we will see!!!!

I know there are younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes aswell. But where are they when you need them???? :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut:

Regards Charlie.

hi again Charlie

Think the "younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes" only do so when someone else is paying the bills. i.e. somebody lovingly rebuilds a pre65 bike then Mr Younger Rider gets to ride it for them. Of course they love riding it cos they get to ride the fruits of sombody elses time and wallet for nowt. I'd love riding somebody elses bike for nowt as would most people. How many of these "younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes" have put their hands in their pockets and bought / built one?

Good luck organizing your event if the respondents to this thread are to be believed youll be swamped with entries.


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hi again Charlie

Think the "younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes" only do so when someone else is paying the bills. i.e. somebody lovingly rebuilds a pre65 bike then Mr Younger Rider gets to ride it for them. Of course they love riding it cos they get to ride the fruits of sombody elses time and wallet for nowt. I'd love riding somebody elses bike for nowt as would most people. How many of these "younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes" have put their hands in their pockets and bought / built one?

Good luck organizing your event if the respondents to this thread are to be believed youll be swamped with entries.


Is pre-65 dying a slow death? The same sort of thing is happening in pre-65 scrambling. Lots of meetings were cancelled last year due to lack of entries. The twinshock scene however is by comparison very healthy. Riders grow old and retire. The younger riders want to ride the bikes they rode in their youth - now likely to be twinshocks. Twinshocks are generally cheaper to buy and don't need lots of expensive trick bits to be competitive, so 'cheating' isn't an issue. You can ride a stock bike like you did back in the seventies.

Perhaps trials is evolving in the same way. I've traded in the B40, bought a stock Bultaco and got two and half grand in change. Mind you I will need that to keep the CCM running......

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Hi Guy's.

WOW I am not getting through at last am I.

Seriously, thanks for all of the comenents.

Woody, What you have said is very sensible, and very much the case in every aspect.You being a very comptent and fit young man(well a lot younger than me) at riding trials, perhaps can't quite, see that certain sections for some old geesers in the SM rounds are still on the tough side and can get exhausting towards the end of thirty miles.But that is down to the ACU to sort with some guidlines perhaps( Oh dear I do feel I may be getting into deep water).

And what you have just said OTF, I hope is the case, we will see!!!!

I know there are younger riders out there that just love riding Old Brit Trials Bikes aswell. But where are they when you need them???? :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut:

Regards Charlie.

I understand what you are saying about some sections and the duration of an entire event, but this is what I was alluding to in my post. The gents that were the mainstay of this class are getting on and some can no longer cope with the physical effort of a complete trial on one of the big bangers. They are either stopping riding or switching to smaller, lighter bikes. I could be wrong onviously but I can't see significant numbers of riders replacing them. The interest in riding those bikes isn't there - from what I see travelling around, but I don't do YC or Red Rose events and haven't been to Bath or Golden Valley for a while and they are some of the bigger clubs, so can't comment on the bikes in use there.

Regarding the Miller rounds, it's difficult to see how the easier route could be eased off any more without taking the challenge away for most of the riders on that route, as it has to cope with quite a range of bikes - unit, 2-stroke, Pre-unit, rigid and sidecar. The sections on that route are fine for the big bikes but their numbers have all but disappeared over the years. Other than the reason given above it is difficult to see why. There are some links below to some 60s trials, one or two of which may have been on here before. Some of the sections from these genuine 60s trials are harder than a lot of the easier route Miller sections.

Looking at these bikes though, it is difficult to summon the enthusiasm to want to ride bikes of that standard now....

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i think you grossley underestimate the number of under 55's willing and riding big bangers in pre65 equally the number of bikes competing in classic green lane trials is causing them problems with the last two events massively oversubscibrd..

Maybe I have but my comments are purely from what I see travelling around, although as mentioned in previous post I don't do YC or Red Rose so no idea how well supported the big bangers are there and I haven't been to Golden Valley or Bath events for some time.

As regards classic green lane trials, I've never heard of them and don't know what the concept is. Hopwever, it sounds as though they may be the answer for riders who still want a day's competition but who have given up riding trials (in the normal sense) due to the physical effort of man-handling a big banger around 30 sections for several hours. If so I genuinely hope it keeps the big bike brigade going for a good few years yet.

I have nothing against the big bikes by the way, my comments are purely in the context of newer riders coming through to keep the class going as the original set drop away. I've always fancied a trick Ariel and if I could choose a bike to ride in the Pre65 Scottish it would be one of those.

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The biggest problem with the up and coming generation is they don't know the difference between a pre unit / unit, side valve / ohv and even a phillips or flat head screw driver.(It's frightening) If they have parents who financed their bike whether it's a pre 65 / Britshock or what ever you want to call it then they may have half a chance of spannering it. Alternatively the latest pogo stick mono water cooled thing will be the best bet.

I am building a Bantam, most people I have had to approach for work that I can not do have either been retired semi retired or getting close. This is not coincidence it seems to be the norm. Where are the up and coming youngsters when it comes to the spannering etc??

Without them there is next to no future in the older bikes/ cars or w h y.

Thatcher killed manufacturing which led to the people having to earn a living doing other things and when they had kids they didn't have the skills/interest to pass on.

My father taught me how to get my bike going when it stopped, he was a painter and decorator but he knew what to do. Many of the bikes you have been talking about are already tucked up in sheds for one reason or another, even many later twinshocks. Things will only get worse when little Johnny grows up and he doesn't know one end of an engine from the other....... :popcorn:

ps watch this...

Edited by Andy M
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