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Week 33 - Non-players Are The Great Scourge


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big john / overthehill - my apoliges :D

proecution for entring and not turing up and bing found to be riding elsewhere - when you enter you sign a contract to appear. Sure if we've got their money who cares you say, err the dozen of riders you've turned away becasue you are full. its so embrassing to have 10 or so spaces after the start from DNSs and turn round to your mate who lives lcoally, who is there watching but couldn't get a ride. thoses riders taking the p*** (granted its hardly any) diserve to be "woken up"

as for pre entry vs turn up on the day, we've got a sidecar trial at the end of october and last time i checked we've only got one entry, so before we sprnd a weekend marking out sections we're likely to cancel it rather than waste all that time and effort - its really good to have that info in advance. also you might not get any one on a certian route so would you bother to lay out that route, etc, etc ....

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big john / overthehill - my apoliges :D

proecution for entring and not turing up and bing found to be riding elsewhere - when you enter you sign a contract to appear. Sure if we've got their money who cares you say, err the dozen of riders you've turned away becasue you are full. its so embrassing to have 10 or so spaces after the start from DNSs and turn round to your mate who lives lcoally, who is there watching but couldn't get a ride. thoses riders taking the p*** (granted its hardly any) diserve to be "woken up"

as for pre entry vs turn up on the day, we've got a sidecar trial at the end of october and last time i checked we've only got one entry, so before we sprnd a weekend marking out sections we're likely to cancel it rather than waste all that time and effort - its really good to have that info in advance. also you might not get any one on a certian route so would you bother to lay out that route, etc, etc ....

Here here, I say!

Take the Scottish Six Days as an example, usually oversubscribed; all the hoo-haa with a ballot, (much grumbling amongst those who don't get in at that point), reserve lists drawn up and so on.

An incredible amount of work for the organisers, no question about that.

Then guys simply don't turn up with no explanation!!! Even if you do keep their money, it has caused problems in that you have to wait until the very last minute at "signing in/registration" before you can hand the spare entry over to a worthy (and probably grateful) substitute who may have waited all day with beads of sweat pouring off his brow.

I say, keep the money paid & don't accept the culprits' entry ever again, that would teach them to a bit more considerate in future!

Big John

(rant over :D )

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In the last post the word 'considerate' was used. In my opinion, that word is what this whole post revolves around, consideration to people who have given their time and effort to insure a good days sport for others. Withdrawing an entry, confirming a retirement during the trial and entering a trial on time are all, I would have thought, considerate to the organising club and persons involved. All things I expect riders to do without a second thought. Accepting late entries or entries on the day just lets disorganised, inconsiderate & indecisive riders swan up to a trial when and where they feel like it.

Trials are not like sports centres or squash clubs, they are pre-organised for a set day and a set time with lots of work and people involved. I am disappointed clubs have to resort to taking entries on the day, it seems the tail is wagging the dog.

Sorry to sound old fashioned but I know from experience the work involved in the run up to and during a trial.

To follow the theme " Rant over"

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We had a few DNS today at the Novogar. To be honest, it really doesn't matter to us. Not a jot. The reason it doesn't matter is that they didn't stop other riders from entering. We didn't hit our entry limit. They've not put anyone out really.

The trials where it does matter are the over subscribed events. They're the ones that the riders should be punished for. Generally people know which trials these are.

Common decency says you'd let the organisers know in either situation but it's the over subscribed trials which matter. That really gets my goat.

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