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El Trial De Espana Winners


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First of all a huge thanks to MONTESA and GAS GAS for delivering riders for El Trial de Espana.

Congratulations for putting on a great show for the all the people that made the trip!

Of course we all understand the logistics and costs for sending a rider to El Trial this year was less than desirable and that's why were sure that the teams that did not send a rider and intend to compete in the TDN will more than happy to use the money they saved to support their riders themselves.

After two days of El Trial competition:

1st place Chris Florin on Montesa

2nd place Geoff Aaron on Gas Gas

3rd place Cody Webb on Gas Gas

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Nah no pictures just video.

Now you must understand Ringo put on a great show and has way more nerve than I do to attempt these sections.

I think the Team Full Monty's BBQ the previous night helped his riding also.

The video is my sick sense of humor but if you're a stooges fan you may

appreciate it. :lol:

Ringo 3.58MB

Please save to your computor!--Right click save target as

Edited by Dabnabit
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How about $494.00?

Considering that you could buy a house in certain parts of the country for the amount I pay in taxes each year, $500 a year for the privalege of driving on a road I paid to have built so 'the man' I pay to sit there and give me another bill because I didn't spend enough time on that same road all seems justified. :lol:

And yes I'm proud to be an American as silly as that sounds at times it's better than Irak


Thanks buddy!

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