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Hamilton Again


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Lewis Hamilton is facing a possible grid demotion after breaching a sporting regulation in morning practice at Interlagos on Friday.

The British championship leader, along with Jenson Button (Honda) and Takuma Sato (Super Aguri), will all be investigated by the stewards after the afternoon session for allegedly breaching article 25.3 relating to wet weather tyres.

It is claimed that the trio used two sets of wet tyres on Friday morning, where the rules say only one set may be used.

Article 25.3 reads: 'No driver may use more than one set of wet and one set of extreme weather tyres during P1 and P2'.

Seems a bit odd the team didnt know the rules about this, or is it just Mclaren on the fiddle again. Normal situation like this, a 10 place drop on the grid would be given. The outcome is going to be interesting.

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Do you get the feeling that all this Lewis Hamilton /McLaren stuff is scripted like a soap opera or a cheap film plot.

I'm sure you couldn't invent some of this seasons drama (is it just to keep us interested?).

I would like the outcome to be decided in a true British hero style(Formby).

What do you reckon:-

1) George.. sorry, Lewis sets fastest lap time on his flying lap 'cos his brakes fail.

2) Geo..Lewis over shoots a corner and into the lead because a newspaper blows across his visor and gets temporarily stuck there.

3) G..Lewis runs out of petrol in the last 500 yards and has to freewheel over the finish line and a photo decides the winner.

Seriously though, I might even be watching .

Hey,y'cant catch meh!

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FFS give the kid a break, shouldn't the teaqm know about this, they are the ones changing the tyres. As for sanction, there is no set sanction for this offence

Your right the team would of known about it,maybe the team don't want him to win,we all know F1 is a farce this is just another chapter of one.

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Oh come on, how is it all a farce? Agreed Bernie Ecclestone has too tight a grip on everything, but the little racing that does happen behind the politics is at least genuine competition - the best cars win. That's how it always has been with, a few exceptions, over the last 100 years! There have always been exceptions: Nuvolari driving an oudated Alfa and beating the Mercedes and Auto Union at the 'Ring in the '30s. Fangio in a 2 year old Maserati beating Hawthorn and Co in the latest works Ferraris. More recently theres been Buttons 1st win, a few of Coulthards wins going back to Moss in the Cooper-Alta getting strong podiums against all the works teams!

True the cars are less interesting and the racing pedestrian when viewed from behind a camera, but there is competition.

As an interesting point, take a look at this: Lauda Speaks out I'mnot one of Lauda's biggest fans but he does have his screwed on right and he knows what he's on about!

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Just something else to try and make the most boring motorsport in the world look interesting.....

If it wasnt for that 'boring motorsport' as you call it, your modern bike wouldnt be half as modern as it is.

Be honest, the world Trials championship isnt boring or predictable is it??

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Just something else to try and make the most boring motorsport in the world look interesting.....

If it wasnt for that 'boring motorsport' as you call it, your modern bike wouldnt be half as modern as it is.

Be honest, the world Trials championship isnt boring or predictable is it??

Hmm comparing F1 to trials? never mind MotoGP is an interesting thought!

In my opinion no the WTC is nothing like the F1 nor is it like the World lawn mower racing :ph34r: If you linked MotoGP to Trials I could eventually see the link what with Honda owning the world and all, but in the high ends F1 is a million miles from MotoGp let alone the slow speed torque based sport we play in with trials.

R2W makes a very valid and infact factual point on the F1 front that grid posistions aren't far from final posistions, can't see how that relates to the Beta, Scorpa, Sherco, Montesa and Gas Gas riders we all know and idolise?

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I wasnt comparing it as such, the point I was making was that the WTC has even less chance of someone winning a round than F1 does.

F1 this season 4 different winners, WTC how many? You could also argue that if your not on a Montesa or Gas Gas then your not going to win anything in the WTC, thats the comparison i was making.

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I wasnt comparing it as such, the point I was making was that the WTC has even less chance of someone winning a round than F1 does.

F1 this season 4 different winners, WTC how many? You could also argue that if your not on a Montesa or Gas Gas then your not going to win anything in the WTC, thats the comparison i was making.

Brown, Challoner infact not long ago Bou

Edited by barrybaines
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F1 this season 4 different winners, WTC how many?

TWO :ph34r:

Bou won 9 of the 11 - Raga, the other 2 . (Belgium was cancelled of course) Full Results - PDF

Next year doesn't look like it will be any different. I reckon Bou could win the next straight 6 championships if the desire remains and he stays healthy enough.

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There ya go Bilco, you got your wish :ph34r:


Look's like my luck has turned at last my wish'es never come true normally Atom.

I find it suspect the way hamilton lost all his gear's and after he made his way to the back they all came back in there proper place again,anyway don't let's start that crap off. :lol:

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