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Hamilton Again


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I hope they don't win the appeal - if they do it will always be remembered that he won the championship off the track not on it. Rotten bad luck to him although I thought that the blocking move pulled by Raikonnen and Massa a bit suspect.

I did enjoy Brundle haveing a word with Ecclestone on the grid though.

'So who do you want to win?'

'Fernando definitely.'

'But a few weeks ago you said it would be brilliant for F1 if Hamilton won?'

'Well of course I want Hamilton to win but I think it would better if Fernando got it'

I wonder if Bernie has a mole in the gearbox department at McLaren?

All in all a fairly dull race. Nothing really happened except a few small crashes and a couple of Williams boys got run over - fell asleep halfway through.

Bring on next year - any chance of Schumacher coming out of retirement to challenge Hamilton? :guinness:

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I can just hear the conversation at the 'spying' hearing earlier in the year.

"Guilty! Your punishment for spying is- You are out of the constructors championship.

But you can stay in the drivers championship because we wouldn't want to spoil the most exciting racing for many years....... but!

Your drivers must not win the championship, even if you have to turn their cars off in the race or pull them in for an extra pitstop."

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I can just hear the conversation at the 'spying' hearing earlier in the year.

"Guilty! Your punishment for spying is- You are out of the constructors championship.

But you can stay in the drivers championship because we wouldn't want to spoil the most exciting racing for many years....... but!

Your drivers must not win the championship, even if you have to turn their cars off in the race or pull them in for an extra pitstop."

On the head mate on the head :guinness:

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no updates lately?

it seems the young lewis was at fault for the brazil problem. he pushed a button on the steering that put the car into some mode for the race start or something like that.

the boy has talent but i'm happy he didn't win it. not that i'm a kimi fan but with the whole spy crap thing i just think the whole season is a wash out.


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