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Cooling Fan Switch - Common Part ?


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The cooling fan switch has died in my Gas Gas TXT280 edition '02. Gas Gas USA want $73 for a new one !

The same part is #14.44 ( approx $25 ) in the UK. I don't mind paying a little premium for spares support in the USA but this is ridiculous.

Anyway - to my question.

Is the cooling switch common across brands ? ie can I get one from the Montesa/Sherco folks, or better still is the part a standard item from a more common application ( bike or car ) - if so what is it ?

Please help if you have any info.

If not I plan on quitting my job and starting up a fan switch import business.

The Gas Gas part number is M0102003. It is held into a cast manifold by a metal clip - no threads.

Edited by gt6racer
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do you mean the thermostat if so it can be bypassed which will mean the cooling fan staying on all the time it runs a bit cooler but beats cooking your engine join both the wires on the thermostat start the bike and see if the fan comes on :lol:

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Just over $100 Cnd up here, so pricing is about the same. I think the weak US dollar vs the strong Euro is killing you....we here in Canada have just excepted a weak currency as the norm, so expect nothing more :lol:

I'd be a little concerned about running it full time that you might burnout the fan motor which is more expensive again! Perhaps in the interim you could wire a manual switch? But you'd have to be conscious of it all the time.

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I ran my beta with the switch shorted out for two years without ever noticing the difference of running slightly cooler. The fan never burned out either.

When I did replace the switch it was one of those like the gasgas that fits in the hoses and I got it from none bike shop source and it was cheap. If only I could remember where I got it. I'll keep thinking and if I remember I'll let you know.

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