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Chris Stays Operation

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After a year best forgotten, Chris has finally had the tonsils removed today that have been making him ill about once every three weeks this year. After a good start to the year he has been plagued with illness and the surgen said his tonsils were very strong and definatly needed to come out. Two weeks rest now and then after a winters training back for a full and hopfully unrestricted attack on the B class next year. Thanks to all our friends and please tell Joel Edwards ( D class champion 2003 ) to keep riding as we started in this together and he is as much apart of the British youth trials scene as anyone else. I Know its been a tough year but please don't give up as i'am sure your time will come again.

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All this confusion has come about by someone jumping the gun a bit, an agreement was reached with JST on Tuesday dinner time, and the next thing i know its anounced on trials central on Wednesday before i had a chance to tell anyone myself. This has left me a bit red faced and imbarested as the first people to know should have been MRS.

I have since informed then of the situation and thanked then for all they have done, as they ( DO ) look after thier riders and have been brilliant

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