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Visualisation Techniques


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Hello TC people, I have a problem....I am learning to stoppie and move the back end around on my bike.

Sometimes I can get the rear to lift effortlessly and sometimes not at all, what I'm saying is I don't know what I am supposed to be doing!!??

I am one of these types who has to get the theory/visualization straight in my mind first,otherwise I am just throwing myself at it pointlessly.

I once went on a course that included visualization techniques ,I stood up and told the lecturer that it was all B.S. and it didn't work,he replied 'It does...you do masterbate?..don't you? ....I sat down.

Back to the bike..how do I 'see it'...sink the back end??collapse my knees??


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I once went on a course that included visualization techniques ,I stood up and told the lecturer that it was all B.S. and it didn't work,he replied 'It does...you do masterbate?..don't you? ....I sat down.

never mind bouncing the back around.........................you've just outed yourself as a chicken choker!!!!!!!!

if its any consolation, i also am trying to learn the art of bouncing the bike around. its trial and error to start with and it comes gradually.....hmmm..........that sounds familiar.


paul. :D

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