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How To Launch A Jetski


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My dad had rented one a few years back, Whilst sitting on the PWC at the dock, the POS, sorry I mean PWC, rolled to the side, Dad reached out to catch himself on the dock and promptly broke something in his shoulder.

Edited by ZIPPY
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;) That's a good one . I saw basicly the same thing this summer, except with a pickup and boat. We were comming in on our PWC's ,I thought "man that truck's backed a long way down the ramp". The guy in the boat pushed off and instead of dirving out the truck slowly slid back in the lake ,the 2 guys in the cab just sat there until the water got up to there necks ,then they opened the doors and swam out.I felt bad for them but it was soooo funny :thumbup: I could hardly keep from falling over my self. Then we pulled his truck out and helped round up the pickup load of junk floating around the ramp.(mostly empty cans of liquid courage) Edited by toothandnail
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