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Topical Dougie Joke ?


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Dougie's looking for ways to supplement his income now he's dropped down to the Beta team, when he gets a call out of the blue from Stevie Wonder:-

''Hey Lampy, I've been bitten by the trials bug and I really would like to ride some of those wild outdoor sections with you...just one section,you choose where I'll choose when ,'cos I'm a busy man.''

Dougie senses there's no money in it so he just says ''No''.

Stevie persists- '' We'll make it a competition,Duluth,Spa,Hawks-nest? you choose where? ''

Dougie says ''No''.

Master Blaster dangles the bait :- ''C'mon Douglas , I bet you $10,000 I can beat you ,one section ,your location''.

Alarms go off in Dougies head..***.

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Doug's a bit sharper than that, he wouldn't of said Back cowm. " Bit cold and wet this time of year Stevie, we best make it Sheffield arena, I think I can save you a few bob renting the place if you go through me and we do it Dec 29th"

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Doug's a bit sharper than that, he wouldn't of said Back cowm. " Bit cold and wet this time of year Stevie, we best make it Sheffield arena, I think I can save you a few bob renting the place if you go through me and we do it Dec 29th"

Guess who's on commission..... ;)

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