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The Death Of A Dear Friend - Common Sense


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I read this letter in the local rag and thought it was spot on. What do you think?

Common Sense is now dead and buried.

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense.

No-one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come out of the rain and why the early bird gets the worm.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults,not children are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six year old boy charged for sexual harassment for kissing a classmate and teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the jobs they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realise coffee is hot. She spilt a little in her lap and she was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.

Name & Address supplied

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Yes, as a person with a small amount of mathematical ability, it is clear to me that Health & Safety + Risk Assessment = Total b*****ks.

We managed alright for thousands of years with common sense until along came some idiots who having no real skills invented a load of old tosh to keep them in employment.

Would Colonel 'H' have stormed a machine gun nest above Goose Green to save his men and advance the battle if he had risk assessed the situation? No.

Would anyone in Bomber Command have flown numerous missions over the Third Reich? No

Would anyone have got into, let alone out of, a landing craft at the Normandy beaches? No

Should burglars get the living cr@p kicked out of them if you catch them in your house/garage? Yes

Should unruly hoody chavs get a slap? Yes

How did the arty farty liberal do gooders manage to turn things around without the rest of us noticing? And more to the point why do we allow it to continue?

Anyone for a revolution? It seems to be the common sense solution.

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We British write strongly worded letters to the Times... whereas the french shut the country down when they are pee'd with something. I don't like 'em but you have to admire their style.

You must seriously be taking the **** ! You want me to admire the French for going out on strike! That's certainly not style in my book :thumbup:

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You want me to admire the French for going out on strike!

The posties recent strike p****d me off no end - strikes are only good for the employees, never the employers!

Going back to the original topic, common sense disappeared years ago where employees rights are concerned as employers rights are completely ignored these days. We recently won an employment tribunal claim yet it cost us over

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The posties recent strike p****d me off no end - strikes are only good for the employees, never the employers!

Going back to the original topic, common sense disappeared years ago where employees rights are concerned as employers rights are completely ignored these days. We recently won an employment tribunal claim yet it cost us over

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I'm with you 100% on that one. An employee can make loads of completely made up claims. Get free legal help with it. Get a union official to back them to the hilt. Then we settle out of court to avoid running up huge lawyers defence bills. They get all the money - we get all the bills. It totally and utterly takes the P*** :thumbup:

didn't we do this one before...... :wall:

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You'll be heartened to hear the latest one then - can it really be true that they have banned Santa in Australia from saying Ho Ho Ho this year - because it is offensive to women......... Apparantly, all would be Santas are being trained to say Ha Ha Ha. For god's sake what is going on. Why don't the people who dream this crap up recieve a f*****g good kicking instead of an endorsement to make their proposal happen. And why don't the people who have these rules imposed upon them just turn around and say f**k off, we're not doing it. The time is coming when this has to happen - surely - please - it just has to.

The reason for this nonsense is because Ho is short for whore and this may offend the women


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How about this one?

'Ba Ba ETHNIC sheep, have you any wool?'

Some version use Red sheep, but is that not offensive to Rednecks?

Of course Christmas is now called 'Festive Season' just in case it offends. Spoken to a lot of folk of Middle East religions who say they couldn't give a damn!

"t'ole worlds' gone mad 'cept thee and me and I ent too sure abou thee"

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Why don't the people who dream this crap up recieve a f*****g good kicking instead of an endorsement to make their proposal happen. And why don't the people who have these rules imposed upon them just turn around and say f**k off, we're not doing it. The time is coming when this has to happen - surely - please - it just has to.
'Ba Ba ETHNIC sheep, have you any wool?'

The way I see it is that the Politically Correct Nazis are the vocal minority and the silent majority (that's the rest of us) have allowed them to impose their rubbish on us. We politely tolerate this nonsense whilst secretly thinking "What the **** next?"

As the Woodmeister suggests, it's about time the silent majority said ENOUGH to the organic lentil bake munchers and COMMON SENSE prevailed.

Show me the black person who has been offended by the Baa Baa Black (Rainbow?) Sheep rhyme or by a black board being called 'a black board'. It's black and it's a board for chrysake. It's not made of chalk after all. All these things are dreamt up by the lentil elite who think someone, may be offended by it. Helloooooooooooo, no-one is offended.

What next? Paint the White Cliffs of Dover a different colour in case it offends any immigrants trying to get into the country, puleeeze.

So next time you hear of this nonsense make a stand or it will only become worse. Or you can be a sheep and do nothing.

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