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My Employer Sucks


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Hi arun1664,I like your style,some of your comments are spot on,like:- (interesting view on where bad managers come from, in my experience is is more often "promotion to incompetence" )and I can tell you every Engineer where I work would say exactly the same.The thing is my current Manager isn't all that bad,his predecessor was another story,the kind of guy that would ask you how something works,you would explain it to him and then he would be telling you what you told him the next day with a perfectly serious face.Or he would ask for your opinion on something,totaly ignore what you said,done what he wanted to,then when it all went wrong somehow blame you.And guess what he got promoted.

And for all of you who thought I was a Bog Cleaner,what's wrong with being a Cleaner,I have met some very intelligent people who have chosen to be Cleaners,there's nothing wrong with that.

A big thanks to all of you who knows where I am comming from with what I said.

And God really does Love you all,no matter what you said.

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AtomAnt,you will be pleased to know God is everyones Manager.

And fozza321, I did not do the training because they would not give me any extra for doing something that would have financially benefited them.(have I been here before?)

Please all remember a Dog is for life not just Christmas.

God Loves Animals to.

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AtomAnt,you will be pleased to know God is everyones Manager.

If he's everyone's manager I'd say he's making a right ar5e of things at the moment.

He ain't my manager. We were forced to have words years ago when I was a kid. Since then we've steered clear of each other and I'm all the happier for it.

You still didn't mention what you do for a living? Everyone's an engineer these days, very few are really engineers. Go on, give us a clue.

I agree with the problem of engineers being pushed in to management. I've been there and guided myself back out of it. I really don't have the patience to manage people and I need to keep my hands dirty or I get bored, but I've had a nightmare trying to stay out of it. Managers don't seem to be able to understand that not everyone has a dream of wiping peoples ar5e5 and de-skilling themselves. They don't understand that not everybody wants to be like them. I think it's such a conceited view. For some engineers the money is the same as their managers anyway, and they're doing what they enjoy doing.

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fozza321 Posted Today, 12:42 PM

for god sake i'm sure i'm not the only one getting p!$$3D off with you giving a smart arS3 answer and avoiding the question everytime someone asks you??

Hey Fozza you thinking what I'm thinking? Maybe Lane is back as Andy.T HAHAHAHAHAHA

No seriously I have have been "middle management" before (assistant Foreman) which basically meant I was on the production floor with the rest of the guys and had to deal one on one with upper management. The big benefit was both sides hated me. Upper management would say "we need more production per day" I would say "We are maxed out as it is, the guys ain't gonna be happy" Management says "So, make it happen."

I go tell guys "We need to produce more each day" The guys would say "@#$%^&*!@#$%^ OFF YOU #$%^&@#$%!" So basically I had all the responsibility and none of the control. I got out of that position and will have nothing to do with management again. I am quite happy to be a "shop rat" and make product. Now if given training I take it because it will help me move into a different position within the same company. If I don't like some aspect of my current position, I do something about it to get a new position.

Somewhere somebody said something and I think it is roughly the same as this: Great engineers or Great production people don't necessarilly make good managers. A manager manages people so they need the skills to do so. Just because this Engineer is really good at engineering does not mean he can manage people. But as others have stated "I have seen it happen"

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Not sure where to start with this one,so here's the info some of you wanted,(I think).With the company I work for when you start you are either an Electrician with M&E experiance,a Refrigeration Engineer,a Controls Sytems Engineer,a Fire Sytems Engineer, a CCTV and Card Access Engineer,a Cogri reg Combustion Engineer,or a combination of all of these.At the moment I am doing three of the trades,but some time ago I was Corgi registered and this ran out,so I was asked if I would like to renew it,you know the rest.Why I didn't want to go into great details as to exactly what the training was,was because I considered it irrelevant considering that any training given that makes the company extra money should benifet the trained employee also.Think about it,why do people get trained in the first place,the problem is that your qualifications count when you apply for a job,infact the employer makes such a big deal over them it can make you feel quite small,then when they employ you anything gained don't count.

Sorry I P****d so many of you off.

Please forgive me (God has)

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i'm a ref engineer, if my boss would pay the 3000 pounds to put me through my corgi then i'd jump at the chance as this would guarentee me work anywhere. i dont really understand how you can refuse to do it if this is what you do for your job as its a legal requirement to have it when working with gas (natgas etc).

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i'm a ref engineer, if my boss would pay the 3000 pounds to put me through my corgi then i'd jump at the chance as this would guarentee me work anywhere. i dont really understand how you can refuse to do it if this is what you do for your job as its a legal requirement to have it when working with gas (natgas etc).

But would you do the training. Do corgi qualified work but for the same money you are getting now?

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Over the 18 years that I worked for this company the working requirements of the employee's has changed throughtout the passing years,so we have picked up different trades along the way,as I mentioned at the moment I am doing three,If I done the Corgi then this would be four.So as I mentioned on another post the money was good once,now its not I do not feel inclined to do the training for no rewards.The original point I was trying to put across is why should the company I work for not reward me for doing the training,yes Corgi qualifications would be good but why should you have to change jobs to get recognition.It seems very short sighted by companies to train someone,pay them below market rate,and then let them go.Benj I am not doing gas work now,that stopped as the work requirements changed and my Corgi registration ran out.

Edited by Andy.T
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Over the 18 years that I worked for this company the working requirements of the employee's has changed throughtout the passing years,so we have picked up different trades along the way,as I mentioned at the moment I am doing three,If I done the Corgi then this would be four.So as I mentioned on another post the money was good once,now its not I do not feel inclined to do the training for no rewards.The original point I was trying to put across is why should the company I work for not reward me for doing the training,yes Corgi qualifications would be good but why should you have to change jobs to get recognition.It seems very short sited by companies to train someone,pay them below market rate,and then let them go.Benj I am not doing gas work now,that stopped as the work requirements changed and my Corgi registration ran out.

I wish you had said this in the first post. This makes much more sense!

You do make a valid point put like this I feel. It does seem short-sighted to pay the 3k (if thats what it costs) for you to do the training then risk you leaving to get recompense for it with another employer but saying that, I would personally still do the training. You effectively are more employable if anything should happen to your current employer.

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AtomAnt,yes I should just do the training but I have always towed the party line as the company calls it and its beginning to get on my nerves.As does everthing else,like the general cost of living and the way we Brit's do nothing and just bite the bullet.So this is my one man stand on something I feel is an injustice.

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OK quick answer,

If you are CORGI qualified and doing Corgi work, then yes I believe you should be compensated accordingly.

Ex. your qualified and doing 4 different types of work, Dude next to you is qualified and doing 3 different types. You should be on a higher pay scale to compensate for job being done.

I think I just agreed with you. :banana2:

But I still stand by the statement: "If it sucks....get new job"

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