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My Employer Sucks


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your quote:I think as long as you have enough money to pay the bill's and have enough left to take your bike out at the weekend your doing well for yourself at the moment.Its not quite correct for this period.S

Nah Andy.T,,,I Agree to Disagree,,people have become obsessed with expensive Material item's,those item's will tie you down in life as nobody like's to lose what they have, so people then have to work there nutz off to keep them.

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Nah Andy.T,,,I Agree to Disagree,,people have become obsessed with expensive Material item's,those item's will tie you down in life as nobody like's to lose what they have, so people then have to work there nutz off to keep them.

True! Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have :guinness:

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True! Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have :chairfall:

Sort of strange that just when a man gets to the point where he can afford most things he wants, he decides that he would have been happy without that spending ability :guinness:

Hind sight is a wonderful thing eh :guinness:

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Bilco,your quote:I think as long as you have enough money to pay the bill's and have enough left to take your bike out at the weekend your doing well for yourself at the moment.

The reason I would disagree with this is because there are lots of people out there doing sweet F.A. and they have enough to pay the bills and put petrol in their bike and probably do other things,so why would I think I was doing well for myself at the moment? considering that I have learnt a trade,get up and go to work five days a week,do what is asked of me(well almost everything)at work,take a load sh*t from Managers,and grovel to customers.I think I should get more than the tossers who do nowt.I do actually work six days a week by choice an expect a holiday every year.

I think your expectations are what some Manager has brained washed you with.

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I think your expectations are what some Manager has brained washed you with.

Interesting comment..I would'nt say i was brain washed,i'd say i had my eye's open and learnt from my past manager's/bosses i worked under,i've seen manager's/bosses make a company i've also seen manager's/ bosses bankcrupt a company,so i would'nt say you have a bad attitude you just made the mistake of having your eye's open and learnt from them and now your feeling devalued and have an idea of how to control a business.I decided to go it alone some 12 year's ago now,if i want to stay in bed all day i can,if i want to go down the snooker hall with my mate's all day i can,if i need some money i call up my contact's and they give me work,they know im good at what i do with no fuss so i get the work ,they'd like me there full time,but no i remind them what the score is.i've never looked back,i could never fit into a 9---5, five days aweek under a manager job again.

That maybe an option for you,you have the skill's and you have the idea and you want the money you deserve.

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Hi Bilco,I like the sound of your job,so what are you doing?selling drugs or something.I always thought I would maybe rob a bank,you know the ultimate crime,can anyone remember a bloke called Eddie Mehur(i think) who robbed a bank in Felixstowe(wheres Felixstowe I hear you say,its on the end of his foot)well he was a Lock Smith by trade employed by Sucuricor and was doing his rounds around the banks picking up cash and on the last pick up his mate went into the bank to do the last collection(this guy has the key to the money) and Eddie was in the van,at this point Eddie drives off with all the cash,stops off in some little lane near the sea front,opens the safe with a key he made from a copy and legs it,never to be seen again.He even managed to get his wife and child out of the country and never to be seen since.Now thats what I call clever not like me who has just advertised that I want to rob a bank.

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Hi Bilco,I like the sound of your job,so what are you doing?selling drugs or something.I always thought I would maybe rob a bank,you know the ultimate crime,can anyone remember a bloke called Eddie Mehur(i think) who robbed a bank in Felixstowe(wheres Felixstowe I hear you say,its on the end of his foot)well he was a Lock Smith by trade employed by Sucuricor and was doing his rounds around the banks picking up cash and on the last pick up his mate went into the bank to do the last collection(this guy has the key to the money) and Eddie was in the van,at this point Eddie drives off with all the cash,stops off in some little lane near the sea front,opens the safe with a key he made from a copy and legs it,never to be seen again.He even managed to get his wife and child out of the country and never to be seen since.Now thats what I call clever not like me who has just advertised that I want to rob a bank.

Riding round Europe 10 years ago I met a guy just like this, he was managing a camp site North of Provance. he'd tired of the rat race in uk, remortgaged his house deposited the cash and withdrew it in cash over 3 months, bought a cracking big estate car on HP taken out a hefty personal loan and then caught the ferry never to be seen or heard of in Blighty again, he was actually running for the local town council in France at the time I met him... was he a bad man or someone who saw an opportunity to take advantage of those willing to give easy credit..

Myself I jumped off the bus in Mid April, left a high earning job managing 500 people and now work what hours i want when i want as hard as i want foresaking the latest this and that and devoting myself to the mrs and kids... never felt better.. never been better off (its just the definition thats changed....)

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Hi totalshell,my first question is did you hurt yourself when you jumped off the bus,cuz I tried this once and to try and get them feet moving at the same speed as the bus aint easy.So the question is are you selling drugs.

PS. dont tell me your Bus was stationary,thats no fun.

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Hi totalshell,my first question is did you hurt yourself when you jumped off the bus,cuz I tried this once and to try and get them feet moving at the same speed as the bus aint easy.So the question is are you selling drugs.

PS. dont tell me your Bus was stationary,thats no fun.

once fell out the side of a moving vw transporter that we were delivering milk from .. the fall didnt hurt as much as the half dozen crates of milk falling out on top of me.. made the road white i'll tell you.

as for dealing drugs my mrs does that legally.. and i'm not doing anything today, the rains coming down and the mrs has gone xmas shopping, now whats on the telly...

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