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Can't Re-seat Rear Tyre?


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Hello TC people can you help? I've done a search and I can't find the dimensions I need ?

I canna seat my rear tyre back on the rim using the ratchet tie down method --that used to do the trick--( lost the ''touch'').

What size is the bicycle inner tube that I could use instead ??

I know Steve Saunders gives the dimensions in his video but,typically, I can't find that either!!

I'm off to search my video collection again.....Cheers ..Wayne

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Yes, I guess the 16 or even a 14 would easily stretch to fit.

I put a little air in mine (with a touch of diluted washing up liquid on the rim.... not recomended apparently.) and ease it out at just the right moment, if the bead pops back on then it's stuck... pull it out too early and the air escapes.

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Cheers for all the help fellas,tyre's on and holding pressure.

As usual I needed it in a hurry so I didn't have time to order anything.

Just nipped( no pun :banana2: ) out to get a 20 by 1 and 3 eighths tube(according to Steve Saunder's video).

Can't believe I've lost my touch with the tie down method :banana2:

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  HAM2 said:
Cheers for all the help fellas,tyre's on and holding pressure.

As usual I needed it in a hurry so I didn't have time to order anything.

Just nipped( no pun :banana2: ) out to get a 20 by 1 and 3 eighths tube(according to Steve Saunder's video).

Can't believe I've lost my touch with the tie down method :banana2:

So you jumped in the car to drive how far? Then bought an inner tube for how much? BUY A BEEDER YOU TIGHT **** :banana2:

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  windlestone said:
If you'd fitted your crank bearings a bit quicker perhaps your tyre wouldn't have had time to go flat


I can t believe a man who rides his bike up and down the drive has been able to wear out a tyre

Has Ham fitted a tyre in preperation for this weekends trial ?

be good to see you there Ham, its a great trial and I'm tired of being last

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  Baldilocks said:

I can t believe a man who rides his bike up and down the drive has been able to wear out a tyre

Has Ham fitted a tyre in preperation for this weekends trial ?

be good to see you there Ham, its a great trial and I'm tired of being last

Ahh,your perception serves you well Mr. Bond...but now I have to kill you. :banana2:

Is it a big lap? I don't know if I've ever done Lambshields?

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Yes its a big lap , about 10 miles I think but its one of the best NE trials of the year, get yourself there mate.

theres two courses and we'll give you a standing ovation when your bike starts :banana2:

you need a full tank for each lap so bring plenty petrol

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