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Canoeing In The North Sea

cota kid

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I find the current story in the media about John and Anne Darwin as the most interesting bit of news in a long time, especially at a time when the media is overwhelmed by celebs, Lady Di's death and the war on terror.

Looks like good old greed got the better of them both. They already owned 12 properties in County Durham but that obviously wasn't enough.

How on earth did he realistically think he was going to get away with it and his wife claiming they were going to pay the insurance company back the 295K they defrauded.

And to return back to the UK claiming amnesia.

Are these people for real?

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I find the current story in the media about John and Anne Darwin as the most interesting bit of news in a long time, especially at a time when the media is overwhelmed by celebs, Lady Di's death and the war on terror.

Looks like good old greed got the better of them both. They already owned 12 properties in County Durham but that obviously wasn't enough.

How on earth did he realistically think he was going to get away with it and his wife claiming they were going to pay the insurance company back the 295K they defrauded.

And to return back to the UK claiming amnesia.

Are these people for real?

Apparently during a police interview Mr. Darwin is alleged to have stated a few facts regarding his last 5 years:-

I have been deluding myself and those around me,

I have been in a complete daze,

I've been absolutely clueless and dis-organised,

I've bumbled my way through my day to day existence,

But I do know my real name..Gareth Southgate!!

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Apparently during a police interview Mr. Darwin is alleged to have stated a few facts regarding his last 5 years:-

I have been deluding myself and those around me,

I have been in a complete daze,

I've been absolutely clueless and dis-organised,

I've bumbled my way through my day to day existence,

But I do know my real name..Gareth Southgate!!

Aye and the name Gareth Southgate could easily be replaced with either Allardyce or Keano.

In fact Allardyce could easily fit the bill as he has been investigated for a few financial irregularities regarding bungs etc in his time.

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Why is everything eminating from the North East at the moment?

The Canoeist drama;

The Labour Party cash from Mr Abrahams;

a run on a North East based bank that I'm not allowed to mention by name!:chairfall:

Big John

We're the centre of the universe ,don't you know?

It's not all bad news,we managed a draw with Arsenal! :guinness:

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And to return back to the UK claiming amnesia.

Are these people for real?

If I was Mr Darwin I would be pleading insanity as he was a prison officer (in a previous life :chairfall: ) and convicts just luuurve :guinness: that sort of new in-mate!!

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Your also forgetting the data discs going missing from the Child Benefit Centre in Washington, Tyne & Weeee-Ah.

Probably turn up in Panama.

Darwin has probably forgotten that he was a prison guard, so he should be allright. :closedeyes:

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I knew there was a fourth issue eminating from the North East!

I received a couple of discs through the post the other day, fortunately it was from my friend R2WTrials and they didn't have any addresses or bank details on them either!

big John

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I was looking for him that night, 20 hours nearly at sea on our lifeboat, funny we were all joking on board that he might have done a runner, i couldnt beleive my eyes when 5 years after that night, i was looking at the front page of the sun in a petrol station in the middle of nowhere at 5am and that was spalshed all over, weird feeling

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