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When I Get Married Again.....


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I was married at one point. I had the coolest wedding ring.

I knew that my present girlfriend and probably future wife would never go for me wearing that ring for our wedding.

I stumbled upon my replacement. I am going to see if he can make me a special trials tire ring. Frickin sweettttttt.....

My next wedding ring.

I have been holding on to the old one for no good reason. Now I need to hawk it.


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biffsgasgas,If your wife to-be was not crazy about that ring that you loved,have a long hard think about all the other things that you love and she probably will not.

From a man who's been married 27 years.

PS. I could have told you she wouldn't like that ring, and my wife would have thrown up.I liked it.

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You could do like I/we did:

When me and the most wonderful woman in the world got married we had an ultra cheap set of rings. 11 yrs later she found this really nice and very expensive ring she liked. She got the ring she wanted I got a much cheaper but very nice matching ring and my Sherco. Hold out man and maybe you get a new 4-stroke gasser out of it and a nice looking ring. Just a thought. :closedeyes:

Edited by ZIPPY
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Brian R Posted Today, 04:55 PM

A woman marries a man hoping he will change,

A man marries a woman hoping she won't.

I did change............alot and I do mean alot.........of diapers. :closedeyes:

She didn't change..........still puts her own gas in the mini-van.

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A woman marries a man hoping he will change,

A man marries a woman hoping she won't.

My ex wife thought i would quit trials and stop raceing cars become 190 lbs of rippleing mussel..... hahahahahaha after 7 years we got married. 6 months later i was still the same guy. She fliped a bit and ran off. I wouldnt have done anything different. I will alwasy be Biff.

My present girlfriend has a life of her own and really digs trials. She hates to watch. She wants to ride and loves to check.


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Ahhh yes, getting married- again. Ben there- done that , as a matter of fact I am still doing that. My first (23 yrs) said of course it was ok to ride and do club things blah- blah- blah. But it was always an ordeal (before and after) once you really decided to go riding, or to a meeting, or work an event...there is a trend here - I think the common thread is motorcycle!

So after much thought, I did it agian, she even rides off road. Trying to get her into trials, but ever since she looped out the Sherco, she is a bit "trials shy". A far as riding, it's mostly a good thing, but that has it's moments too. I suppose I might overdo it sometimes (trials, enduro, HS, and fun rides)) but it is all about being who you are, and letting her be who she is. Just try to end up on the same page!

Biff- If she is into what you are- really. That's a rare find. Keep her!

Have I met her at any of last years events?

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Have I met her at any of last years events?

Yeah she checked my swamp section last year with me at flint. She comes to the ti events every once in a while. She lives in the beach comunity of Buffalo NY so we try to time our visits around my trials and her horse back riding. Believe it or not i get quite distracted by woodsy areas and the smell of 2 stroke in the morning.


PS there will be another swamp section but even more gooey. MUUAHHAHAHAHAHA

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