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Adjustments ?

dr nick

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As its the first winter for me to be riding my 98 Techno, I have fired it up in near freezing conditions for the first time (this year has been warmest for 350 yrs apparently) and found it to be very "lumpy".

it was running sweet a few weeks ago , so expected the same again,only to find it running like a bag of spanners...well not quite

Do I have to keep making adjustments to it or changing jets ,depending on the weather,every time I ride.

When I say adjustments ,what I really mean is turning the mixture screw one way or the other,because thats all I know how to do when it comes to carb adjustments



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It might be that your carb is icing up. This is very common in temperatures a few degrees above freezing if the humidity is high. If this is the case, you will probably see frost building up on the outside of the carb as well.

I have heard of people rigging up a shroud to direct warm air from the fan onto the carb to solve this problem, but I don't know the particulars. Here in Canada it is common to add alcohol to the gas in snowmobiles and cars to prevent this icing. Pure isopropyl alcohol is the best kind to use, if you can find it. You have to careful that the gas (petrol for you guys, right?) is free from water contamination, because if there is too much water, the water and alcohol will separate out in your tank or float bowl and cause worse problems. When there is just condensation in your carb, the alcohol will absorb it and carry it through the engine in very small amounts that do no harm.

And yes, you might try adjusting your idle mixture and needle position to see if it helps.

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