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Different Strokes...


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OK well I'm very confused now...

I've been looking around at SY250's trying to figure out what to buy.

BUT now I've seen one saying it was a 4 stroke - I thought they we're all 2 strokes!?!

Just done some looking around and see on TMX News that Scorpa indeed do 4 stokes.

So are they all thumpers, or are there 2 stroke as well?

HELP! :thumbup:

Cheers - Boner.

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Sorry if I'm being super dense here but...

How do I know if the bike is a SY250F?

I'm assuming that Scorpa have only just gone 4 stroke - line Montesa.

So as a rule of thumb are all bikes pre-06/07 two stroke?

Cheers - matt.

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Sorry if I'm being super dense here but...

How do I know if the bike is a SY250F?

I'm assuming that Scorpa have only just gone 4 stroke - line Montesa.

So as a rule of thumb are all bikes pre-06/07 two stroke?

Cheers - matt.

Ever try looking at their website? http://www.scorpa.fr/

Scorpa has made a wide selection of bikes, for sometime now.

SY250R is a 2-stroke (Comes in trials and LongRide models)

SY250FR is a 4-stroke (Comes in trials and LongRide models)

SY200FR is a 4-stroke

SY125FR is a 4-stroke

TY-S125F is a 4-stroke

T-RIDE is a 4-stroke

4Trik is a 4-stroke

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Just taken a look at the Scorpa site...

I hope their bikes are better than the websites!

That said, have you ever seen the Montesa website?!?

Obviously all these guys are too busy out having fun on their bikes to bother putting a half decent website together!

Thanks for the messages though.

Cheers - matt.

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