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You are taking a huge risk wishing anyone here in the USA a Merry Christmas. That is no longer PC. You could offend the masses by being so bold as to wish Happieness and Good Will toward your fellow man. Its possible a Holy War could spark up at any point now.

My 5 year old daughter and all her classmates were not allowed to have a Christmas party and sing Carols. It might offend someone. Store Clerks are no longer allowed to say anything but Happy Holidays. Its maddness I tell you. I can only imagine how horrible it must be for a non Christmas celebrating person to be wished Merry Christmas and Happy New year by someone who does happen to pertake in the holliday. It must be horrible to have people be nice to one another for a change.

With that being said I would wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Edited by AMiller
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