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Now let me think, what did I have in that year? A near new TY250, XJ650 and a 350 LC and I was still living in kent.

The bike to the right is a LC 250/350 the countryside looks like kent, Whats the bike in the foreground???????

Just love the one fingure clutch action there Heath!!!

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I had a 300 Fantic... I loved it! Much better than the 240 I thought back then (fit the modified top yoke and trim the sidepanels for more steering lock :o )..... Then I got a TY250 mono......... Christ what a tank that 300 Fantic was...... Still, I'd like to find one in a shed somewhere!

The TY250 mono was the best bike on the market to ride until the 327 Gasser came out in '87 (not the Halley model).... then 3 months later it was clear the Spaniards (at Gas Gas) had no idea of tempering and heat treatment and the Gas Gas was the best to ride only when it didn't drop to bits..... now 20 years on and I suppose the Spaniard have nearly got to the quality level of Yamaha (OK they haven't.... and they won't!)

I don't have any nostalgia for the TY250 though.... shame as it was THE biggest leap forward in trials since 1965! :shutup:

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It was a funny thing the ty 250 mono.

Have to agree with Rosey it was a great leap forward, you only have to look at the 300 fantic to realise how far ahead the Yamaha was.

However picking up on the nostalgia point , the Yam mono did the basics very very well and was almost indestructible. However it rarely made you smile as it didnt surprise you very often. It certainly wasnt powerful but for most of us it had enough for our ability. Just enough power and good steering and suspension meant the bike made you think you were better than you really were.

A lot of us found this out when moving to Beta, Gas Gas, Aprillia etc and finding our results were a lot worse.

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Totally agree with Baldilocks, the TY 250 mono was the bike i was going to buy until i rode one and found it TOTALLY NUMB! :shutup:

Don't get me wrong, great build quality & very very capable, but no fun at all with a dull engine & not very adept at the new trick riding style which was just coming in.

Maybe i should have bought one in hindsight but it just didn't seem to want to enjoy itself.

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Certainly the Yam was the best bike to ride so why did I sell it and buy a 1991 Climber 280.

like most of us who rode then you probably thought you needed the power when really the Yam had enough.

the other problem with the Yam was it was around so long without changing, people get bored

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The yam mono mayhave gone on a long time,but for all but the best riders it was plenty.The best thing about it was the way you couldnt break it,I had Fantic,Honda and Beta and they all went wrong,the very secondhand TY250R I had in 1988 just kept going,and going,and going.When I get to be 50 I'll have another one to replace my TY250 twinshock - which just keeps going.

Worst of all were the Honda's,a brand new TLR 250 in 1986,and a s/h RTL 250 in 1990. I so wanted those to work for me,beautiful looking,sounded gorgeous - but I couldnt ride either,mind you I'd have both of them back again !

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