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Getting New Boots, Need Help


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After yeras of wearing AlpineStars, I've had two pairs of Gars (which last about three years each). I tried on a number of other makes at the Dirt bike show and liked the feel of the Sidi's but couldn't find a pair to buy, so went for the latest NovoGars.

These are a lot different to the old ones and Crosser recons that the soles will wear a lot better but they will need to be worn in for a while as they certainly are stiffer than the previous model.

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Went out and spent loads of money on a pair of Alpinestars, because people said they were the best...

NEVER again. Very stiff boots and let the water in at every opportunity.

A load of money when I'm sure there are a lot of other makes out there that do a better job for less money - IMO.


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