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6' 3''. What Size 20'' Or 26''?


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I used to ride on a 20'' Monty a few years ago now when I was younger (admittedly not very well), but sold it when I stopped using it as much as i'd like too. I am seriously thinking of getting into Trials again but was unsure about which size bike to go for.

I would prefer a 20'' wheel bikes but i'm 25 years old now and 6' 3''.

Will a 20'' bike be ok for someone my size or should I go for a 26''? :rolleyes:

Cheers for any help.

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I say get you a long mod bike. I reccomend a long Adamant A3 as the best choice. 2nd Zoo Python long. 3rd Zona Zip. Really almost any long frame will do ok. Have a ride on somebody who has a long bike and see what you think before you spend the moneys!

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