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The Edinburgh Post Has Landed!


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Well done OTF - don't worry too much as it won't be anywhere near as bad as you think. The sections aren't killers by any stretch, just tricky enough to steal marks. Best get up to Bracken for a bit of rock practise.

I got the rejection letter so won't be seeing you up there. More or less expected it after 'going in the note book' last year, though whether that actually had anything to do with it I've no idea - but I'd guess so.

At least now I haven't got to worry about how to put fiddle front forks and yokes on that are acceptable but competitive which would have cost ridiculous money, instead that money can go towards a trip to Robregordo hopefully.

Disappointed at not getting an entry but every cloud has a silver lining...

Are you not entered for the SSDT Woody? Maybe I had misread the Six Days entry list.

As for the comment about genuine Pre65, I don't agree, the Pre65 is massively oversubscribed (by 100%) I am sure that if pre-unit bikes, irrespective of the age of their rider, were given preference, you could cover at least more than 50% of the available places at a stroke!

I know it's a huge can of worms (believe me, a certain Scots gentleman accused me on more than one occasion of being "against Pre65" because my bike, a 350cc Matchless see photo below, was too genuine "It's folk like you that will kill the sport off by riding things like that!" he said)

It is very difficult to police as competitors by their very attitude are competitive and like to win, but I have to say some bikes that ride in Scotland shouldn't really be there.

I have heard most of the stories before and many suggestions about breaking it down into Pre-unit; unit; two stroke; four stroke etc etc etc. Let's face it it's one trial over two days with one winner and I think that is how it is going to stay!

In short everyone and their uncle has a suggestion about how the entries should be seeded and, funnily enough, the rider most likely to get a ride is the guy making the suggestion!

Sorry to hear you didn't get a ride Woody, I was looking forward to having a blether with you, don't worry looks like I'm heading for Robregordo myself, so I shall get a pint with you there (just one for me mind!)

Big John


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Are you not entered for the SSDT Woody? Maybe I had misread the Six Days entry list.

As for the comment about genuine Pre65, I don't agree, the Pre65 is massively oversubscribed (by 100%) I am sure that if pre-unit bikes, irrespective of the age of their rider, were given preference, you could cover at least more than 50% of the available places at a stroke!

I know it's a huge can of worms (believe me, a certain Scots gentleman accused me on more than one occasion of being "against Pre65" because my bike, a 350cc Matchless see photo below, was too genuine "It's folk like you that will kill the sport off by riding things like that!" he said)

It is very difficult to police as competitors by their very attitude are competitive and like to win, but I have to say some bikes that ride in Scotland shouldn't really be there.

I have heard most of the stories before and many suggestions about breaking it down into Pre-unit; unit; two stroke; four stroke etc etc etc. Let's face it it's one trial over two days with one winner and I think that is how it is going to stay!

In short everyone and their uncle has a suggestion about how the entries should be seeded and, funnily enough, the rider most likely to get a ride is the guy making the suggestion!

Sorry to hear you didn't get a ride Woody, I was looking forward to having a blether with you, don't worry looks like I'm heading for Robregordo myself, so I shall get a pint with you there (just one for me mind!)

Big John


Please note pic...one of only three in known existence where John has both feet on the pegs. Did you get your entry John, or has Annie given you the push as well.... :D

If they've given you a number near Paul you can hold each other's hands, means David(if he got an entry) could enjoy his day instead of nursing you old boys around. :D:huh:

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Please note pic...one of only three in known existence where John has both feet on the pegs. Did you get your entry John, or has Annie given you the push as well.... :D

If they've given you a number near Paul you can hold each other's hands, means David(if he got an entry) could enjoy his day instead of nursing you old boys around. :D:huh:

No Slapshot, didn't get the bump, I'm in.

Number 161 for me;

159 for David.

I'll be riding... same as usual, 347 Matchless as above. David expressed a wish to ride it, leaving me to ride either a B40 or my short stroke AJS 408, but as it didn't look like it would be ready in time, so reluctantly he's back on his Cub (not a trick Cub, very original/genuine one mind, see photo thanks to "Hilly Lit" for that one!) Also to insure the AJS for him to ride it, was quoted


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No Slapshot, didn't get the bump, I'm in.

Number 161 for me;

159 for David.

I'll be riding... same as usual, 347 Matchless as above. David expressed a wish to ride it, leaving me to ride either a B40 or my short stroke AJS 408, but as it didn't look like it would be ready in time, so reluctantly he's back on his Cub (not a trick Cub, very original/genuine one mind, see photo thanks to "Hilly Lit" for that one!) Also to insure the AJS for him to ride it, was quoted

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You can't buy bikes if you waste money like that, especially on insurance to ride a bike less than 50 miles on the road a year!

"Phone", what's that? Is that yon expensive thing that's hanging on the wall beside me that I'm reluctant to use because it's expensive, I would e-mail the blighter... what number is he anyway or is that a closely guarded secret?

Big John

(aka Tight Git!)

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You can't buy bikes if you waste money like that, especially on insurance to ride a bike less than 50 miles on the road a year!

"Phone", what's that? Is that yon expensive thing that's hanging on the wall beside me that I'm reluctant to use because it's expensive, I would e-mail the blighter... what number is he anyway or is that a closely guarded secret?

Big John

(aka Tight Git!)

Hiya Mr tight git :D

I'm at the other end of the field bashing all those rocks out of the way and scrubbing the moss off for the pros and yourselves.

Number 66 but you'll probably recognise me as 99 cos i will be spending most of my time with the bike on top of me upside down.

Whats really bothering me is those damn green bogs i got stuck in last year :huh:

So catch up with yous in Kinlocleven :D

Then a few weeks later cos "were all going on a Spanish trialling jolliday" :P

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scrubbing the moss off for the pros and yourselves.

I'm affy glad he added the "and yourselves"....any similarity between Big John and a Pro trials Rider is purely coincidental :huh:

I phone Anne Gordon and get her to put two #99s in the programme :D

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Number 66 isn't a bad number I had that one last year. Didn't lower my score or anything like that, remember they start the second day at number 90!

I told Andy Bamford a few years ago to keep his Matchless away from the bright green stuff, did he listen? Did he heckers like, I came across him half way across Meall Na Cruide up to his waist in the stuff!!!

"Told you so" I shouted, mind you I did double back and give him a hand to get it out.

....Slapshot really takes a rise out of me at every given opportunity, doesn't he?

Good job I'm thick skinned...

Big John

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Number 66 isn't a bad number I had that one last year. Didn't lower my score or anything like that, remember they start the second day at number 90!

I told Andy Bamford a few years ago to keep his Matchless away from the bright green stuff, did he listen? Did he heckers like, I came across him half way across Meall Na Cruide up to his waist in the stuff!!!

"Told you so" I shouted, mind you I did double back and give him a hand to get it out.

....Slapshot really takes a rise out of me at every given opportunity, doesn't he?

Good job I'm thick skinned...

Big John

I think the phrase what goes around comes around.....I remeber all the abuse I used to take from scottish trials riders when I was a kid (a certain individual as well) so it only seems fair now....and as I said what goes around comes around a certain young whippersnapper by the name of David Moffat takes the mickey when ever he can.... hmm thick skinned :D think you have to be in this game.

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Congratulations OTF :thumbup:

Edinburgh post has still not arrived to Spain, where we are all with our fingers crossed and checking the mail every ten minutes.

You will have a nice May; Pre-65, SSDT and Robregordo. If I get an entry for the Pre-65 I will stay a couple of days more to see the SSDT with you (so you can invite me to the beers .......) :D

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javier, there is a minor problem in beer issue.

Big John is pretty well known around these parts for the tight grip on his wallet, so tight is his grip that Andy (TC site owner) took a photo the last time he bought a round. If he digs deep again be sure to record it for posterity and post it on here as well... :thumbup: one of these odd weekends he's going to slap me.

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"Mr. Postman" has found a letter from Edinburgh for me in his bag with the number 65 :thumbup: So I will start same time with OTF but different routes.

Slapshot I think the man called BJ you and me know, are different men, as the grip on the wallet of the one I know is no tight at all. I know some others with a real strong grip.....

I have my entry with this little James 197 as my James 250 is still not ready. (Using my feet to finish Caolasnacoan).

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