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Twinshock Ssdt


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I apologise if this is a repeat, buttt.... what are the chances of a twinshock Scottish in the future? I appreciate that the relevant committees are worked to death and all that but I reckon it would be a winner. Same sort of format as the pre-65, 2 days. Bit of a knock-around for the twinshock lads and lasses.

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It already exixts. it's just called the Pre65 Scottish.... :D

Yes it would be fantastic to have such an event but I can't ever see it happening. Twinshocks in the UK are the poor relations by far when it comes to 'prestigious' events. The Isle of Man classic is heavily weighted towards Pre65 with only 40 twinshock places, there is a Pre65 Inter-centre trial but not for twinshocks, several Pre65 championships and several high profile Pre65 events throughout the year.

There are many Classic clubs catering for twinshocks but no twinshock specific events.

A twinshock Scottish would be a dream come true for me as I'd love to ride my Ossa round the course. I remember on my first entry to the Pre65 Scottish there was a question asking for suggestions about the event etc. I put something along the lines of how it would be nice to be able to ride twinshocks and would there be any chance of a future event catering for them. Perhaps that is why that entry was rejected along with the following 6 until I finally got in in 2006......

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Forget it! I don't see it ever happening. Great idea, but that is all that it will ever be.

The SSDT has enough on its plate with land access, permissions, planning, route marking and probably the precarious task of all (covered by the good old boys of the Army) refuelling the bikes that have a range of a mere few miles!

OK, twinshocks have a slightly better range, but a Twinshock Six Days, nope I don't see it IMHO.

I don't want to be seen as being a killjoy, but there is just not the interest in the SSDT/Pre 65 movement in Scotland to make it happen. (If anybody out there wishes to prove me wrong, both now and in the future, I would be ecstatic, having a variety of twinshock bikes both two and four stroke at my disposal :D )

The club I am a member of has tried very hard to promote such events and the response has been moderate, we are now even catering for Pre65/Twinshocks at our closed to club trials this season with A/B/C routes so that we can cater for experts - novices through youth to Pre65/TS.

However, if you want to ride two days in Scotland on a Pre65 or Twinshock come to Alvie, Aviemore instead (see below!)

Big John

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It's a shame although I understand why. I'm sure there are many riders out there who, like me, are of a generation too late to admire pre-65's (I don't have any affection for the brutes, just a mild curiosity) but love Bultos, Ossa's and Monts to death and would love to see them in their natural environment.

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I remember Mick Andrews riding a TLR 250 in the twin shock class, think it was the first year Doug rode the event, 94? I'm sure EDMC did give an award for the best performance by a twin shock motorcycle, probably died through lack of entries in the class.

Maybe HL or OTH can verify if it was fact?

Edit, Now I think about it, Doug was on the Beta Gara his first year, so must of been 93.

Edited by Ishy
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Yes, they did include a twinshock class for a few years but the trial was too hard for twinshocks by then and there were hardly any entries, those that did struggled and the class was dropped.

It was hard enough on a modern bike back then, never mind a twinshock...

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Just had a thought Woody, a twin shock trial could run with the SSDT, the twin shock class would set off last each day but rotate within the class, and only ride to the lunch stop, when they turn in the card at the lunch stop they are done, except the time given to ride from that point to the PF, it still would be a good week of trialing, even if only half what the main entry do, evening at the bar would be just as long.

They say 270 is the maximum the event can cope with due to daylight, the shorter course for the twin shock entries would allow them to be back well before the last main event rider each day. They would still get to see and ride a good portion of the event, while being a lot easier week for both old man and old machine.

This way would both boost entry fees and commerce in Fort William and add to the week without changing the SSDT at all, the main addition to the workload for the event organizers being paperwork scoring etc, nothing would need to change on the actual course.

Then again with a full entry why would they want to bother, if the entries for the SSDT were under 270 a year or two, then summat like this may get a bit more thought.

Edited by Ishy
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What about a One Day Twinshock Scottish a day or so before the Pre65 event? Using roughly the same area as the Pre65?

Just a thought....

i guess as the pre 65 and the main event are both oversubscribed whats the point. Not at all sure that a twinshock event would attract that good a following. The traditional series 2008 sponsored by Normandale doesn't have more than 20(?) regular and 40 occasional riders from memory.

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i guess as the pre 65 and the main event are both oversubscribed whats the point. Not at all sure that a twinshock event would attract that good a following. The traditional series 2008 sponsored by Normandale doesn't have more than 20(?) regular and 40 occasional riders from memory.

won't be getting your entry returned then will you !

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As an ex twinshock rider it sounds like a good idea.If it was a big event like the pre-'65 and a few big names got involved I think the entry and the interest would be good.

I would certainly try to beg,steal or borrow a bike to enter somehow.

I think a lot of bikes would be dusted off and brought out for a yearly outing in the Highlands,a bit like the Scottish entrants for the pre-'65.I am on the trials committee for the SCRMC,who run a trials series in Scotland for classic and twinshocks and the older bike entries are very poor,perhaps 4 or 5 at a club trial.But then the pre-'65 comes along in May and there in 20 plus Scottish riders entered.Where are these bikes the rest of the year?

A twinshock event would be a breath of fresh air as most twinshocks are left pretty much standard,there is some tricked up bikes but not too many.The pre-'65s on the other hand.....

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