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A Few Newbie Techno 250 Questions


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I've searched high and low for the answers to these questions, but have drawn a bit of a blank.....could be i'm not looking in the right places but the older beta bikes dont seem to have a lot of info kicking about.

Firstly, i broke the front brake lever today and have been looking on ebay for a new one, but all the ones i've come across specify for AJP type master cylinders. What the hell is an AJP type cylinder and how does it differ from a regular one? And is a 97 techno 250 fitted with one?

Secondly, my clutch is as grabby as hell at all times - pull in the clutch and the bike just keeps on rolling. I've tried all the 'freeing the clutch' techniques i've found on here without much joy - sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't. I know it might mean changing the clutch plates, but i've read that automatic trasmission fluid may sort this so i'd like to try that first, but i'm not sure what type to use....car? scooter? If someone could recommend a brand and viscosity it'd be a really big help as it makes it pretty hard to practice slow bike control when you cant control the bike.

Thirdly, the fan doesn't work which means i have to stop all the time to let it cool down or get my balls steamed. I know i can probably get one from Beta UK but moneys a little tight and to be honest i just cant afford a new one at the moment. Is there an alternative 'pattern' type i can use, or one from a crosser or similar that can be adapted to fit, that will be easier to find a second hand one from?

Lastly, does anyone know what the black block with the resistor and four pegs with attatched wires that sits under the water header is called and what does it do? Mines extremely corroded and the resistor broke off today. Looked on the Beta parts list but i'm not sure what its called so i dont really know what i'm looking for :s

If anyone can help me with the above it'd really help me out. Its really frustrating because all i want to do is get out there and practice - i've got 2 weeks holiday from work coming soon and it'd be nice to get it all running smoothly so i can make the most of the time off.

On the positive, the new carb i got sorted out the rough running i was having and the engine ticks over beautifully now.

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hi mate

my dad has a 98 techno and there much the same.

firstly an ajp lever will fit on your bike. you can tell this from the make of the master cylinder (the resevour on the handlebar).

secondly i would not use automatic transmition fluid i dont rate it. i find best an oil made by Rock, its called GRO. or try silkoline comp 4.

if not it may be your cluch plates. try and buy a second hand fan if you can just because the new ones are verry expensive. any fan from a trials bike of that age should fit. mine went and i replaced it with a gagas one from 1993!!!!

not too sure what the 'black box' does but id gues its the coil.

if this is any help i have a manuel as a pdf if you want it pm me.

max :rolleyes:

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Ref the fan, have you tried joing the two wires together that go to the sender on top of the engine? It might just be the sender that is faulty.

Please don't ride your bike if the fan is broken, the engine won't stand being cooked too many times before it is damaged badly and then you will have a big bill.

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  scorpa3 said:
Ref the fan, have you tried joing the two wires together that go to the sender on top of the engine? It might just be the sender that is faulty.

Please don't ride your bike if the fan is broken, the engine won't stand being cooked too many times before it is damaged badly and then you will have a big bill.

Tried bridging out the fan connection and its definitely dead. We even stripped and oiled it and although it started spinning, it ran really slowly and would stall with finger pressure.

Been looking around at aftermarket alternatives and Spal and Trical do similar sized units with better flow rates than the standard one for around

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  yamahaty250xox said:
hi mate

my dad has a 98 techno and there much the same.

firstly an ajp lever will fit on your bike. you can tell this from the make of the master cylinder (the resevour on the handlebar).

secondly i would not use automatic transmition fluid i dont rate it. i find best an oil made by Rock, its called GRO. or try silkoline comp 4.

if not it may be your cluch plates. try and buy a second hand fan if you can just because the new ones are verry expensive. any fan from a trials bike of that age should fit. mine went and i replaced it with a gagas one from 1993!!!!

not too sure what the 'black box' does but id gues its the coil.

if this is any help i have a manuel as a pdf if you want it pm me.

max :rolleyes:

A manual would be a huge help, especially if it has a wiring schematic . My headlight has no wires coming form it and it would be nice to get that working too :angry: Many thanks for confirming about the brake levers. It sucks to be the new guy - hate asking such basic stuff, but i'm a fast learner so hopefully it wont happen too frequently lol!

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Try running the fan from a separate power source to make sure its not broken, I had a problem (on my Rev 3) where the fan didn't run which was due to the voltage regulator. Which oddly enough is a black box located up behind the headstock.

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Yeah i tried running it direct from a car battery, in case the thermostat or bike wiring was at fault, but still sluggish and easily stalled, so i'm confident its the fan itself thats the problem. Thanks for the suggestion though :rolleyes:

I've found a wiring scheme online for a 99 techno 250, which looks about the same as what i have on my bike. The black box i mentioned above is apparently the rectifier unit for the fan, and the resistor is in fact a condensor. Not sure if this can be bought seperately or if it just comes as part of the fan kit though :s

Has anyone ever stripped the laquer off the beta frame and polished it? mine looks crappy next to my mates polished gassers so i'm tempted to try it lol

Edited by lucky7s
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Well, got all my new bits ordered up to replace the broken stuff. Pair of stubby levers, a new fuel tap (the handle on mine seems to have been eaten by something) and i'm looking into the oil situation so hopefully i'll get the clutch cured without having to replace it :rolleyes:

The fan situation may be resolved cheaply too. Been looking around at different fans from road bikes, and the Aprilia RSV Mille R fans (triple radiator one) look to be about the same dimensions as the stock Beta one. The best part is a second hand one from an 05 registered RSV set me back

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