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Scottish Pre-65 Entry List


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Good point Big John about variety in the Pre '65 instead of 90 Cubs. Nothing against Cubs coz I've won best Scotsman twice on one and raced one in the Isle of Man......BUT this year I entered a Triumph Twin Matisse and was refused an entry because the Comittee sat round the table and decided they had not heard of a Matisse trials bike and it was not eligible (inside information) even though I have a dating certificate from the Scottish Classic Club!!! ;)

I've personally nothing against Triumph Tiger Cubs either, just it would be boring if we all rode a Cub at Kinlochleven.

Don't you mean "Metisse - (which in French means mongrel "Matisse" was the artist), as produced by Rickman Brothers of New Milton, when did they produce a trials Metisse? I know Steve Wilson rode a Bultaco Metisse in the SSDT in 1973 but that's a bit late for Pre65?

Of course they did make moto-cross frames (that's scrambles to the elderly) before 1965 but not a trials bike...to my knowledge. I stand corrected if anyone can prove different?

Considering Sammy Miller himself worked for Rickman's (the then Bultaco concessionaires, prior to Comerfords) when he developed the Bultaco Sherpa in 1964, I would find it difficult to comprehend that the Rickmans developed a trials bike and made it commercially available to the public before 1965! Interesting one...

Big John

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Oh what the heck. Wasnt going to say any more but you all know what i'm like :wub:

So what about the Montesa etc last year and some of the east european entries last year and this?

How much do we all know about their elegibility / legality ?

I've been around longer than i would care to admit but i wouldnt have the foggiest. Plus at what point do they say an entry has to be as manufactured? i.e. a Trials bike not a Moto Crosser. Are there recognised experts on Motobecane, sorry about the spelling, if someone wanted to enter on one? they look pretty Pre65 to me but who would know? Why not a converted Trail bike or even a modified Road Bike like ooh lets say the SHM Special made by a certain Samuel Hamilton Miller as seen at last years Classic and Dirt Bike show. How more Pre65 can you get but is it elegible? Would they let someone enter on it?

It's such a difficult one.

Lets be honest if they played by the book then there probably wouldnt be any entries. Vive la differance. There will always be people who feel agreived some rightly so but the Scottish will always be a one off with many people building a bike to Scottish spec just for the event then using a different bike or changing the bike back for the other 51 weeks of the year.

Thats just the way it is. No logic to it.

Just glad to be in :thumbup::D:wall:;)

Edited by Old trials fanatic
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Hi Guy's

Oh Dear OTF, is this the only year you want to ride in the "Trial" then.

Ia'm saying nothing ,or as I have been told if you are saying nothing you are saying something?

No not 90 Cubs There was only 500 trials Cubs Built.

One bike I would like to see is Duncan McDonald's Ariel, got to be good.

Regards Charlie.

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I know that the Scottish Pre-65 is very strict on bike compliance (and rightly so in my view) but I don't want to start that debate all over again! Can anyone tell me if fitting an oil filter and an oil cooler breaches the machines regs?

Don't see why these fitments should, after all how many pre65 bikes had chain tensioners on the final drive?

Big John

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When will the day come when there is a fair ballot for entries,

I was told last year by a well known committee member that certain people get in because of what they put back into our sport , That's a bit of a joke really as i know many who ride year in year out and do nothing only turn up ride then go home until the next trial .

I personally have rode the scottish several times and in the end thought i was aswell one of the chosen few but alas no.

I did find however that if you approached a committee member with any amount of constructive comment then the door was slammed in your face guilt obviously getting the better of them,

Anyway no point in harping on as i and many others will just have to wait and see if we get through next years ballot of fifty or sixty riders.

Yours in sport not so smiley

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I agree John, they are not a performance modification just an aid to longevity but I guess they weren't available Pre-65 so in the strictest sense of the word not kosha!

Renthal handlebars didn't come on the scene until the early 1970's but everyone uses them!

Big John

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