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How To Learn Trials


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Start with biketrials and use various techniques to improve your balance.


When you move to your first Motorbike, use different motivators to stop you falling off.


If you can't get over the log, try other methods! Perseverance will work.


As you graduate to more powerful bikes, you'll need to find ways to keep the grip!


At first you won't be able to afford a minder to tell you 'its ok at the back'. Use whatever methods you can.


Big steps may seem daunting, but, you'll find a way.


If attempting trials such as SSDT, don't skimp on spares, you never know what you'll need on the moors.


Finally, if you make it to the top. You may get asked to ride as a team in the Trials des Nations


Good luck :beer:

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There are crazy riders in all countries.

This guy was asked to attend a BBQ on Australia Day. He had to bring something and it just happened to be the BBQ. No problems even for a guy on a bike.

I am not sure where the Gas bottle is though?




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