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A Bit Boring But Quite Interesting?


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Tell me when you find someone who actually knows it :beer:

I know such a person Atom,Its the good Lady called Mother Nature.

Anyway i hope this global warming thing come's quick,i can't take these cold winter's much longer.

Edited by bilc0
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I know such a person Atom,Its the good Lady called Mother Nature.

Anyway i hope this global warming thing come's quick,i can't take these cold winter's much longer.

Yeah, good ol' Mother Nature. Whatever the climate can throw at her, she will adapt and deal with it :crying: Unfortunately though, the human race isn't so adaptable so we are all DOOMED :beer:

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we are all DOOMED :beer:


Best you get out on that bike as much as you can from now on then.


now how much is someone going to get paid for coming up with that suggestion. :crying:

We're being controlled by idiot's spending our tax money on thing's that won't protect us,anyway i dont need to tell you that. :D

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Not seeing much warming here. 0F (-18C) with a wind chill of -22F (-30C).

Have heard that the earth goes through periods where the average temperature rises a few degrees naturally and then drops a few degrees. Supposed to be some natural cycle of things.

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Tell me when you find someone who actually knows it :beer:

So where do you want to start......Global Warming - the increase in the atmospheric temperature caused by mans interaction on the planet.......allegedly....how do we know??? The age of the planet and we know everything that's happened, ice cores, soil cores, tree rings can all tell you whats happened in the past but are you telling me that we've had the time to analyse millions of years of data in the short period that we've had the technology to do so.

The Ozone Hole, we've only been able to measure atospheric ozone levels since the mid 50's (56 to be accurate) and the discovery of the hole in 85...come on as a scientist I cannot believe in the 23years since the hole was discovered all of a sudden we are in a cataclysmic downward spiral. Can the scientists categorically prove this has never happened before, no-one can categorically prove that this is not just part of a regular cycle of the earths climate or if they can then I've read nothing on it yet.

So now the bit they don't tell you: warming of the levels they suggest in the best MODELS/Suggestions includes the Hadley Centre, best source of climatological research in the world will dump massive amounts of FRESH water into the seas. If we talk Northern Hemisphere and the Atlantic, that fresh water reduces the salinity of the North Atlantic variation of the levels suggested will have the net effect of slowing or eventually stopping the Gulfstream. The net effect for the northern hemisphere is not massive warming but the rapid descent into the next ice age and in terms of time scales we're not talking geological time but over the space of tens of years, this is the biggy they don't talk about..........

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So now the bit they don't tell you: warming of the levels they suggest in the best MODELS/Suggestions includes the Hadley Centre, best source of climatological research in the world will dump massive amounts of FRESH water into the seas. If we talk Northern Hemisphere and the Atlantic, that fresh water reduces the salinity of the North Atlantic variation of the levels suggested will have the net effect of slowing or eventually stopping the Gulfstream. The net effect for the northern hemisphere is not massive warming but the rapid descent into the next ice age and in terms of time scales we're not talking geological time but over the space of tens of years, this is the biggy they don't talk about..........

Chuck some salt in? :beer:

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So where do you want to start......Global Warming - the increase in the atmospheric temperature caused by mans interaction on the planet.......allegedly....how do we know??? The age of the planet and we know everything that's happened, ice cores, soil cores, tree rings can all tell you whats happened in the past but are you telling me that we've had the time to analyse millions of years of data in the short period that we've had the technology to do so.

The Ozone Hole, we've only been able to measure atospheric ozone levels since the mid 50's (56 to be accurate) and the discovery of the hole in 85...come on as a scientist I cannot believe in the 23years since the hole was discovered all of a sudden we are in a cataclysmic downward spiral. Can the scientists categorically prove this has never happened before, no-one can categorically prove that this is not just part of a regular cycle of the earths climate or if they can then I've read nothing on it yet.

So now the bit they don't tell you: warming of the levels they suggest in the best MODELS/Suggestions includes the Hadley Centre, best source of climatological research in the world will dump massive amounts of FRESH water into the seas. If we talk Northern Hemisphere and the Atlantic, that fresh water reduces the salinity of the North Atlantic variation of the levels suggested will have the net effect of slowing or eventually stopping the Gulfstream. The net effect for the northern hemisphere is not massive warming but the rapid descent into the next ice age and in terms of time scales we're not talking geological time but over the space of tens of years, this is the biggy they don't talk about..........

The "Atlantic Conveyor" is what you are thinking of and No the only thing that would stop it is a shift in the earth's axis. Even that would only have a minor effect as the "warming" effect it has on UK waters that keep the area clear of Sea Ice is also bolstered by the European Continent that "Wraps" around the UK.

The problem for the Global Warming "zealots" is that the temperature in the Troposphere hasn't risen for a number of years. The current thinking is that the world will cool after 2012. We are however only talking minor changes here.

Oh and for those that are "doom and gloom" merchants. Remember the 70's when various factions were warning of Icebergs in the channel???

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The "Atlantic Conveyor" is what you are thinking of and No the only thing that would stop it is a shift in the earth's axis. Even that would only have a minor effect as the "warming" effect it has on UK waters that keep the area clear of Sea Ice is also bolstered by the European Continent that "Wraps" around the UK.

The Atlantic Conveyor was merchant ship sunk by the Argies during the Falklands Conflict in 1982.

The Atlantic Conveyor is technically known as the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation and GLOBAL warming is not just about the UK. There are various factors keep the UK and continental shelf free of sea ice , the "wrapping" effect of a shelf does not stop sea ice in other areas of the globe so your argument falls flat there, it is not a significant factor.

Try this link for explanation NERC THC

Chuck some salt in?

If it was that easy....

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