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Grease Anti Seize Lubricant Mix?


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O.K. so I am buying my first trials bike. I have a line on a 04 Sherco 2.9 for a good price. So in my usal way I have spent countless hours reading up and getting information. I have a service manual, the parts guide, the setup and lubrication document. Lots of good stuff that I have been studying so that when i get the bike in a week and 3 days (tax return) I can really check it out thuroughly. I have websites linked for buying parts, gear, I am set. One of the things I came across is they say to pack the bearings with a mixture of waterproof grease and an anti seize lubricant. I have never heard of mixing grease with anything. I am also trying to picture myself squeezing out some grease and trying to stir in some neve seize or something. Is this something that everyone does or do you just use a straight good quality grease?

Looking forward to riding a ton and spending a lot ot time on maintenance. My current bike is old and gets fairly neglected.

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The marine grease and anti seize mix is the most beautiful substance you can imagine :rolleyes: .....it's a life saver and I use it on every bolt/hole and bearing I un-do.

Trust me...it works a real treat :shutup:

Best of balance.


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It is a practice reccomended by several folks that I know and trust, and they have had great success with it over the years.

Myself, and my experiences with grease are that you do not mix it with anything, few of us are knowledgable enough in the base stock, and thickener complex's used in the various grease brands, and Antisieze brands to know if they will be compatible or not.

In other words, when you start mixing grease types, you have a potential for the thickeners not too play well together and end up with clay, goo, or any other descriptive term you care to use.

I would reccomend a high quality grease, coupled with regular maintenance.

Al Bechard

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Greetings to all.I've worked in the bearing trade for years and a BIG rule is don't EVER use copper products in bearings-it will kill em everytime!!!!! Use a good quality lm bearing grease,best one i use for this job is Rocol Aquqlube,clean the old crap out,the repack with new,but don't over pack-just cover rollers lightly in needle bearings,same with taper bearings in head stock.Bye

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I recommended it in the Service Manual. The bearings are NOT being used in a high speed application, turn very little and usually only wear out because they are not lubricated. The big issue is water, the mixture of water proof grease and anti seize stays in place better than water proof grease alone. I and several others have used this mixture for years with great success.


Edited by Wayne Thais
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