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Mass Requests?


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Just a question...how do you think the manufactures will deal with selling the new four stokes? Montesa for example, god knows how many 04 bikes they produce, but around most are already brought before they are realised (though deposits).

The Four Stroke Honda (in my opinion) will be highly requested, as will other brands when their 4 strokes come out. Although the rule isn't in place till 2006, requests for these bikes will be massive.

How will manufactures deal with this massive request? What are your opinions?

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  r2wtrials said:
Oops.. nearly had a five getting off my high horse!!


HRC, I'm sure the manufacturers will have no problem keeping up with demand, although the smart ones might artificially produce a shortage to keep demand...and prices high. Harley Davidson has been very sucessfull with this tact.

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Well when mine comes i hope that i have no end of problems , just to keep some people smiling :lol:

If you are crap , it makes no odds weather the bike will run properly or not really.Im not interested in anything remotely mechanical , at least if she wont go it wont ruin my paintjob!!! :rolleyes:

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I think you hit the nail on the head there Marky, I don't know why some think it's the end of the world if others don't ride the same bike they do.

Has I see it with the exception of Montesa, all will be able to buy a 05 two stroke model of their choice next year, and those who want a four stroke machine will have a few options, something we haven't had in while.

I think Marky is his own man and spends his own money on what he likes, not like some who just buy to fit in with the so called cool guys.

I rode a little Scorpa four banger the past few weeks and it's a lot of fun, will it do all my 290 Sherco will do, no!! but I'm only in this for the fun not the high income some of the other posters get for riding their two strokes.

It is amazing how many people have come up to me at the past few trials wanting to test ride the little four-stroke, my only complaint would be it is a bit under powered for a few of the sections I rode, but that would be probably the case on any 125 in the same sections, and with a 250 Scorpa 260 Mont and a 320 Sherco in the works I don't think it will be a problem for those who want more power.

Edited by ishy
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Apparently there are two sides emerging on the manufacturers fourstroke developmental bikes, Montesa on one the for others are "talking" apparently. The others are aiming for a further delay in the WTC 4t rule change to 2008. Heard this from a good source at the French 4 day last week.

Incidentally there was a four stroke TTR scorpa on the expert route and that was flying up really big stuff, apparently a 162 conversion with special cam and other bits. Saw the conversion iadvertised in the French YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE.

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I was one of those who asked Ishy to try the little Scorpa this past weekend! I will tell you that I consider myself a 2stroke man to the end!But at the same time I am curious and have always wanted to have a good go on a 4st. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed riding the little Scorpa. Ishy had the clutch modified so it's extemely light and worked quite well! I would be very interested in trying one with one of the big bore kits in it!

It did make me think that the 4st. would probably suit a large number of rider's out there! The exception would be Pro rider's. I still believe that the quick accelleration of the 2str. is an advantage for that style of riding. The cost of the Montesa and other new 4st. is still a concern to me.

I think Scorpa has done a great job and put together a gem of alittle bike that can prove quite competitive for a lot of people for a very reasonable price!! We need more of these type of machines to get more people riding!


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I blagged 20 minutes on Neil Crosswaites Scorpa 125 at last weeks Alan Jeffries trial. It felt weird but it was a nice weird :rolleyes:

I rode up a long/steepish bank in 2nd and thought it was going to run out of steam but it kept going right to the top.

The only thing I couldn't get used to was the clutch, apart from that the bike felt great.

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I read an interview with one of the Honda development engineers somewhere (can't find the link now, but it was about 3 clicks away from a link posted in these forums) where it said that Honda are in discussion with another manufacturer about an OEM supply of the 4-stroke trials engine. Beta? I know that they have an existing relationship with Suzuki for their Alp models, but those are the big, heavy old DR engines...

Anyone know any more?

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Reading the Mont 4T story on the front page of TODO trial, I see it says all the Mont riders will be riding the 4=stroke next year ? if fact! this will mean three of the top 5 men in the world will be on four bangers and it it quite possible the bike could be world champion in it's first year.

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pheewww , takes some bloody reading though Ishy , blimey its about given me headache!!

On the 4st front , i notice that not too many lads have been shouting and balling about the fact that Martin Crosswaite has wooped some serious ass on the baby SY.!!

A good rider can do wonders for any bike , and a clubman will do no wonders for nothing!! :rolleyes:

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