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A Little Simple Quiz


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Just for fun!

In Mike Rapleys header, I used a picture from a classic trial. Who is it and where and when was the picture taken?

For a bonus point - I modified the original picture. Can you tell me what shouldn't be there.

Nice and easy for most of you guys I bet ! :rolleyes:

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One for Big John so i will get in with something first!

SSDT Pre 65

2006 maybe '07

What shouldn't be there is 'Dennis the Menace' at the right hand side, because he is a cartoon character

Thats my go I will wait for someone with superior knowledge to update

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The section is "Upper Mamore", just across the road from "Am Bodach", on the Mamore road high above Kinlochleven, it's some bloke on a Cub but I can't make him out because of the "Speaking" word overlay.

...the legs of some of the spectators look a bit iffy to me! Is it Scott Maxwell?

It could be 2005, definately the Pre-65 Scottish Two-Day trial.

Big John

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Well you guys certainly know your stuff!

The section is "Upper Mamore", just across the road from "Am Bodach", on the Mamore road high above Kinlochleven,

All of you said SSDT Pre-65 which is of course correct..... But what year?

Here is the original picture - can you answer all the questions now?


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My sincere apologies, that's better I can see better now...

It's Steven Maxwell from Newcastle (sorry I said Scott before) and I reckon it's 2006 because 2005 was p***ing rain!

Definately Upper Mamore.

Was the photo of that lovely man Mr. Rapley not supposed to be in the photo or what?

Big John

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Something like that. Lower Mamore is the sections at the foot of the hill, I always thought the top one was Upper Mamore, it's definately the second section as there is the tree that encroaches into the burn and that is just beyond the starts cards of the second sub.

Big John

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It's Steven Maxwell from Newcastle (sorry I said Scott before) and I reckon it's 2006 because 2005 was p***ing rain!

Well I wouldn't know myself but on TrialsPhotos.com, the rider is down as :- Keith Gardner At Mamore, 2006 Scottish Pre-65 Trial

So who is right? :rolleyes:

The bit that is different is behind the head of Mike to the left. The image wasn't wide enough so I mirrored the hill. Because its behind his head I thought you wouldn't notice and it seems I was right :shutup:

p.s. if you look closely, you can see the reversed image of the observer in black :blink:

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Schweizmeister and I had a long talk about "fiddle" Cubs at the weekend in fact!

His brother was on a non-trick Cub at Kinlochleven on Sunday as well! We were discussing the heat eminating from the zener diode, proof that like my son's Cub there isn't even a PVL ignition fitted!

Big John

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