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The All-new Tc Xbox 360 Gamertag Thread


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Due to being completely crap at almost all games, I wondered if any similarly rubbish TC members fancied an online thrash from time to time...? PM or email and maybe we can get a regular game going!

XBox Live gamertag: NeonSurge

Games: COD4, Halo 3, PGR4

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I've got an X-Box and Wi-Fi card so got the connectivity, just never got round to signing up to Live. Would never even attempt COD-4 on a console as I'm a PC Man through and through when it comes to FPS Games. Got COD 3 with the X-Box and just couldn't get to grips with it. Give me a mouse and keyboard any day :wall:

PGR and Forza on the other hand - that's a definite maybe - if I ever get time :banana2:

BTW, somebody mentioned the other day that Argos were doing PGR4 for a tenner.

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Also an original member of 2old2play, an online site for gamers 25 and older that want to avoid the little kiddies.

Hell yeah, I'd forgotten about that site. Time for a re-visit I think!

I've got an X-Box and Wi-Fi card so got the connectivity, just never got round to signing up to Live. Would never even attempt COD-4 on a console as I'm a PC Man through and through when it comes to FPS Games. Got COD 3 with the X-Box and just couldn't get to grips with it. Give me a mouse and keyboard any day :banana2:

I know what you mean, it's almost impossible to be as accurate using the joypad as is possible using a mouse although I discovered that if you turn the look sensitivity right up, you can get pretty close (with practice). Having said that, even with a mouse and auto-centering turned on, I still never managed to get to grips with Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PC - hardest game evAr?

Here's another thought: Team Fortress 2 anyone?

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