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Ahrma Season Opener


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I saw your article in Vintage Views. Can I assume you are assisting/running the National Trials this year?

You are correct, the PNW is a hotbed for trials. The turnout for Chehalis is astounding and yet it seems to gets constantly overlooked. I think it does get a good influx from the MX rider pool, but that can't account for the all of the participants.

I certainly thought that Donner would be way larger. And I'm concerned that the Wyoming trial (3-day) is too far away for most riders. I'm not sure if we're going to be able to make that and Donner. It's almost like there is too many trials in this part of the country. I terrible situation to be in, for sure. :)

And lastly I'm concerned that Hannegan is slated for the same weekend as Donner. It was the first year for trials at Hannegan last year and the turn out was modest (probably pretty good for a regional event) but I'm just hoping that having it at the same time as Donner doesn't cut it off at the knees before it gets a chance to get started.

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I will be helping wherever possible, and trying to get reports of the events that I attend published in Vintage Views. Ed and Evelyn Peacock will again be doing most of the donkey work and I don't think you could find a more conscientous and hard working couple. Brenda will be taking photographs of all that ride in the events we go to and all of last years are on her site, by event, on www.trialsphoto.com Ahrma has promised we will get a bigger share of Vintage Views, but that's up to the riders to make their voices known and put in their points of view.

Should be a Great Year!


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The comments you are making on AHRMA reflect my thoughts. All of the events are an overnight stay for me and several are really a two day drive. I don't think the turn out at Daytona was what was hoped for either. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea how to fix it. I think I'm going to concentrate on local events this year. OH - let me second the comment on Ed and Evelyn being top notch and people who really care about the sport.


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For AHRMA readers of Vintage Views you will see we actually got FOUR AND A HALF PAGES on Trials (including the cover) so if you have comments on events, the way they are run or how you would like them improved give Ed a call or send your article to Alice Sexton at AHRMA


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It was nice to see so much trials coverage in VV.

It must be nice in some of the smaller countries where a day's drive gets you into one or two different countries for an event, instead of only almost to the state border with another day or three of driving to go.



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