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A Hypothetical Scenario


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Here's an interesting scenario for you brits: the discraced former deputy prime minister is implicated by special branch/MI5/MI6 in a plot to overthrow the government. This plot goes all the way Maumar Gaddaffi. The government reaction: arrest the head of special branch/MI5/MI6!

What are your thoughts?

No it's not a plot from the latest Jeffrey Archer book either. I shall reveal all later.

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Here's an interesting scenario for you brits: the discraced former deputy prime minister is implicated by special branch/MI5/MI6 in a plot to overthrow the government. This plot goes all the way Maumar Gaddaffi. The government reaction: arrest the head of special branch/MI5/MI6!

What are your thoughts?

No it's not a plot from the latest Jeffrey Archer book either. I shall reveal all later.

Sounds like another day in the world of Government & Politics. I'm still pi$$ed at this government losing all those peoples personal information on CD's ( through incompetence and negligence) and nothing getting done about it. If that were a private company like Tesco's who had done that. Heads would have rolled long ago. Governments are corrupt. Always have been and always will be. :rotfl:

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Sounds like another day in the world of Government & Politics. I'm still pi$$ed at this government losing all those peoples personal information on CD's ( through incompetence and negligence) and nothing getting done about it. If that were a private company like Tesco's who had done that. Heads would have rolled long ago. Governments are corrupt. Always have been and always will be. :mellow:

Now this has hit us...the boy wonder (Can you still call them that at nearly 22) got a rather official looking letter from Whitehall the other day outlining that his details, ourdetails and his grand parents details were among those lost by the MOD. Should we find ourselves victims of Identity Fraud then we should contact a number and they'll help us through any situation we find ourselves in.....Like the rest of the MOD that'll be sorry, tough sh!t and f3ck off

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Sounds like another day in the world of Government & Politics. I'm still pi$$ed at this government losing all those peoples personal information on CD's ( through incompetence and negligence) and nothing getting done about it. If that were a private company like Tesco's who had done that. Heads would have rolled long ago. Governments are corrupt. Always have been and always will be. :mellow:

I do blame the government, but not as directly as most.

Basically, you get what you pay for in most cases. If you want top security, in fact if you want any form of competence, you've got to pay for it. That money comes from taxes, and yes, most of us would say we're paying for it.

But.....half the bloody nation isn't, and our hard earned is spent on them instead. We are no longer a nation of shopkeepers, we're a nation of scroungers and freeloaders, and the government continues to allow it. Nobody should get a free ride in this country unless they're absolutely genuinely unable to work, full stop.

Disabled people of this country are usually more than willing to work, whilst the freeloading scumbags sit at home playing their PS3's.

If you're not working you should be on the poverty line, and you should be out picking litter for your dole money, supervised by the poor buggers who are doing it now for a pittance. We'd have the cleanest country in Europe.

Our own people are killing our country and the government will stand by and watch them.

[soap box collapses under weight]

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