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Less Sound - More Land?


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Fact of the matter is Trial's dose'nt seem to have any kind of legal eagle's fighting our corner when a complaint come's up.We wait until a body like Defra come's along and write's letter's to farmer's saying you can't use your land for this that and the other,just like what they done awhile ago,they disabled the whole of the off road movement for a time until we proved the letter was'nt even worth wiping your backside with.

I would be more than happy to pay someone like the ACU

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  • 9 months later...

Freedom is inversely proportional to population density. The more our increased numbers force us to interact and share resources (land, water, electricity, fossil fuels, etc.), the more rules, regulations and restrictions there will be. Period.

This statement doesn't offer a solution or even a temporary "work around" to the problem..... but I thought I might point out the root of the problem.

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I find the sound of dogs barking anti social and there are far more dogs owners than motorcycle owners! The dogs aren't regulated and will bark at random! not like myself who rides my trials bike in my back garden during sociable hours, its my garden and i can. However i would much rather dissapear into the wilderness and ride in the woods away from surrounding houses and people , but if i get caught I would have my bike crushed so until sense provales I will ride my two stroke ride on lawnmower that actually doesn't cut the grass in my garden where I am above the law. I am willing to pay to use a better site surely someone could produce one ?

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Come on guys, we can complain all day about ramblers,mountain bikers, noisy neighbours, noisy dogs, etc, but until we put our own house in order we can't expect anyone to listen. Noise is a BIG issue. We are making the noise. No one likes noise- unless you are making the noise yourself, so there is intolerance all round. Its not anti-biker, its anti noise.

Fair play to the majority of modern trials bike manufacturers,- when they come out of the factory the bikes are very quiet compared with a four stroke moto cross or enduro bike, so i dont think the problem is led by the trials scene, but how many of us has had our neighbour call round, see the trials bike and say " oh, you do scrambling do you?" The problem is we are all tarred with the same brush.

The anti socials who ride all over the mountains on the weekends have done nothing to promote motor cycle sport. Neither have the manufacturers of mx/ enduro after market exhausts with outragous power gain claims. (four strokes are the worst because low frequency sound travels further).

Getting back to the point though, we must each do our bit to reduce the noise we make. Re-pack your silencers, stop buying aftermarket noisy exhausts, cut out any un-necessary riding before or after the meeting, stop the illegal riding alltogether and generally put forward a responsible image. Most of us try to, i know. We just need to educate some. Complaining about what others do and don't do though wont get us anywhwere. Lets try and get our own house in order. Its probably too late but it is better to try rather than one day to say, "i wish........."

Oh and by the way, landowners are reluctant to allow you on their land for two reasons, one is the public liability, tho other, and probably the main one, is HE gets the complaints about the noise.

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