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Trials Quiz


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So it is my turn to open our weekly staff meeting with a fun activity. Quizes seem to be popular and whenever it's my turn I always have something relavent to things I like. So I have done several Harley quizes, and a few snowboarding quizes. With my first trials bike in the garage I would like to do a trials quiz :) I am thinking something along the lines of.

Which of the following is not a trials technique. A. Splatter B. Double blip C. Holding pressure D. Double down

The purpose is to make it as hard as possible so that the person with the best random guess ability has a chance to win. While anyone who has heard me talking about trials for the last 3 years will have a distinct advantage. Even random motorycyle questions are valid. Anyway if anyone has questions please post them.. even if you think they are stupid.


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So it is my turn to open our weekly staff meeting with a fun activity. Quizes seem to be popular and whenever it's my turn I always have something relavent to things I like. So I have done several Harley quizes, and a few snowboarding quizes. With my first trials bike in the garage I would like to do a trials quiz :) I am thinking something along the lines of.

Which of the following is not a trials technique. A. Splatter B. Double blip C. Holding pressure D. Double down

The purpose is to make it as hard as possible so that the person with the best random guess ability has a chance to win. While anyone who has heard me talking about trials for the last 3 years will have a distinct advantage. Even random motorycyle questions are valid. Anyway if anyone has questions please post them.. even if you think they are stupid.


How far did Paul Lowther travel in the 1998 SSDT before discovering he had not filled his bike with Petrol the previous night ?

How many miles are covered in the SSDT following the course ? and following the Kinell route ?

perhaps more sensible

how much does a trials bike weigh ?

what tyre pressures are recommended for taking part in an event ?

is a trials bike rode legal without lights?

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who is current outdoor champion?

how many championships has doug won?

how many times can you dab to get a three?

after beta which is the best bike?

in a forty section trial, what is the highest possible score?

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KSV Posted Today, 12:42 PM

in a forty section trial, what is the highest possible score?

Usually that is what I end up with at the end of the day.

I once got a trophy for having the highest score at the entire event. 166 pts. I guess I came out of it with a few of those infinite number of dabs 3's.

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Which user of Trials Central has aspirations to play the lead role of gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain II? :)

If you had 100 bottles of vodka and took away 75 of them, how many did HL drink?

How many times has Slapshot3 got a weather forecast correct?

When was the last time Dougie Lampkin bought a round? (To the closest decade will do!) :)

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Which user of Trials Central has aspirations to play the lead role of gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain II? :)

If you had 100 bottles of vodka and took away 75 of them, how many did HL drink?

How many times has Slapshot3 got a weather forecast correct?

When was the last time Dougie Lampkin bought a round? (To the closest decade will do!) ;)

a. there's probably a couple jump to mind, only one has a stetson.... :(

b. If HL was around you'd never have 100 bottles in the first place.... :o

c. depends whether we take the virga or not...

d. Shouldn't this question read " When was the last time Big John bought a round"... :)

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