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Passenger Wanted - Still Looking!


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Hi guys and galls, I'm still in need of an enthusiatic loon to have a go at the dark art of trials sidecars. No experience needed -- you'll be broken in gently but I am looking for someone who'll give it a good go, who is reasonably local or has own transport and someone who is keen to compete. Did post request before Christmas but without much luck and I've been otherwise engaged since with work. Anyway, get mailing!

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I was just thinking how much I'd love to do it, but as I mentioned before I'm over the weight limit, and besides that, not got the time.

However, looking at what would be involved from someone elses perspective, what sort of thing you looking at? How often do you try to practice? How far and wide you looking at competing, and what sort of level?

I'm just thinking there's maybe some lad or lass sat there thinking, nah I couldn't do that, when maybe they could, or just not willing to be as gobby as me and ask what's really involved :gay:

If nothing else, it keeps your thread up the top, but I've often wondered how active the sidecar season is, and how many of the crews are full time etc.

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Enthusiasm, commitment, sense of humour and the ability to air run or bounce are more important than experience!


Next bike I get, I fancy keeping my old 290 Sherco and fitting a chair to it. My lad's a little light at the moment, but maybe I could fit a 6 stone chair :hyper:

Are the rider and passenger allowed to swap? Probably a stooopid question to you, but always wondered.

There was a chair on ebay recently, but I had no idea whether it was in any way suitable.

Good luck with your quest anyway!

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