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Dial Indicator Clearance For Timing


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Mitutoyo made a kit with a small diameter dial indicator. I also have a timing tool that screws into spark plug hole that looks like a micrometer. I will look for the brand tomorrow. Central tools made a fixture that allowed the indicator to be off to one side for clearance.

Would you really go out and buy a "use it once in a blue moon" new tool, instead of removing the rad???

I've messed with the timing on an 02 Sherco many times.....Without a dial indicator (or anything else for that mater).....It's not that big a deal. :rolleyes: .... Just don't adjust it too far either way. Check for hot running if retarding. Then ride it on a section to see if you like it. :)

Best of balance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up retarding 4.5 mm. The motor is a little slower responding at low rpm. However, the occasional engine knock is now more frequent. I expected the opposite result. Could it need a bigger jet? I have Boyesens and it was runnign fine on a 33.

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I have had to run the #36 in the later bikes! And drop to a 115 main with the boyesens, which even at that is a tad rich. If you want them to clean out nicely to hypersonic speed, then down to a 110-112!!! Yikes, so I still run a bit rich, I never need that much top end. :thumbup:

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I tried to explain the positive stop method a few years back and some know it all's tried to

blast me on it. My response was nothing. They can go pound sand if their so smart!


Brian R, You have my permission to feel vindicated and self-righteous.:rolleyes:

That method's been around since the 1950's as far as I knew,

and they should have known........



ps. We have smarter know-it-alls on the Forum now....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Would you really go out and buy a "use it once in a blue moon" new tool, instead of removing the rad???

I was just describing a tool that could help in the situation described.

Would I buy a once in a blue moon tool? I have purchased, manufactured many such tools. The motorcycle industry isn't exactly "awash" with service soloution tools. I would go so far as to say I have an extensive collection of tools and equipment for motorcycles.

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Paul, i am always reminded of that old tool my old buddy "Doc " had in his assortment! It was a 8mm curved stainless rod, called it a prostate sounder!

If you did'nt like that one, I think he had the 10mm version in reserve!!!!!! ;)

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