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Clake Clutch/brake Control

oz thumper

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There is an article on the Trials Australia web site detailing some succesfull use of this gadget.

Matt Newland came returned to trials after a three year lay off and won the A grade Tasmanian title on a CLAKE equipped Gas Gas.

The article contains his comments on the gadget, as well as some reported Enduro and MX success.

Haven't seen the gadget myself but note that they were holding a come and try day.

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Mat is my training partner and i must say i was a little sceptical at first. I then borrowed a Clake fitted bike for a week and became hooked.

Had one fitted to my 08250pro gas gas and can confidently say i'm used to it already. It is infinately adjustable so you can overlap clutch and brake engagement and no longer do i have to worry about where my right foot is at. I can concerntrate on balancing and even remove my right foot from the peg while applying the rear brake. I hope to take one to NewZealand in 3 weeks time to use in a trial there.

Edited by DIESEL DAN
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