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Thieving Ba******ds


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Some thieving Ba****ds paid us a visit last night and helped themselves to one or two parts from the van. From the pictures, it would appear that they took specific parts as nothing was taken from inside the van.

This happened in the Richmond, North Yorkshire area so keep so your eyes open and ears to the ground.

This is whats left:-


A full set of pictures can be found here

CSI have just left and have found nothing they can use. It would appear to be a professional job. Apparently, there has been a few vans stripped locally in the last few weeks.

More expense and 4 weeks before Scotland ****!*!* Bas***ds.

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This happened to a vehicle of mine a few years ago. As you have probably figured out, they are stealing bits to repair another similar van with front end crash damage. If a number of vans have been done in your area. there must be a place specialising in that kind of repair not too far away. All depends how far the villains are willing to travel.

Make sure the cops check any CCTV or traffic cameras in your area that might capture any image of the villains or their vehicle. They are obliged to do this but are generally lazy and wont bother.

If in future you catch the baddies in the act, make sure you give them a severe battering as they will have spanners and screwdrivers and that ups the anti as far as defending your property. (other forms of self defence are available)

At the end of the day make sure you are adequately insured and fit plenty of PIR lights.

Oh and check the local pikey site.

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Bad luck, your lucky they have left the ECU alone,obviously just repair parts. The only thing i've see that looked sadder than that was a nearly new Sherpa Van which had the front end cut off with a Stihl saw and the engine and box nicked. A neighbour once had the drivers door and wing of her Rover nicked while it was on the drive overnight..

Looking on the bright side,if its ready for a service,nows the time to do it...

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****ing cheeky *******s!

Although I think you managed to snap one of them here http://www.trials.freeola.com/Pictures%202...s/IMG_3599.html Definitely looks dodgy to me, send it to the plod and they might send a traffic warden ASAP :rolleyes:

Definitely looks a bit shifty. To be fair, it was a tad early for him to be up and out.

Van now gone to repairers. If they repair it as quick as we might have it back for Scotland.

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[quote name='RedVanMan' date='Apr 7 2008, 02:55 PM'

Van now gone to repairers. If they repair it as quick as we might have it back for Scotland.

You might get it back quicker than you think, I've heard the repairers just got a crackin deal on some scudo parts from some bloke down the pub!!!!!!

Hope you get to Scotland mate.

If you find out who done it give them a kick and a punch and a headbut and a knee in the groin from me :rolleyes:

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