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Stator's And Other Mystical Beasts


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Hi there,

I'm having a few problems here with the ignition on a 80cc, it has an intermittent spark!

I've changed the plug, plug cap, HT lead, coil and ignition control unit (combo) and it still won't spark consistently.

I've taken it off and checked all the wires and it looks fine and I've disconnected the kill switch!

How does a stator work? where does the electronic eye pick up the correct timing from and can you have and faulty one?

Any help greatly appreciated.


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A friend of mine has a 2005 300 which has the Ducati ignition system on it and apparently there was all sorts of problems with that on all GG's. He has just had it rebuilt and it wouldn't fire up, but it would with a plug cap and wiring from a 1937 BSA M20!!! He has got it running but our dealer did say that with the Japanese system now on the bikes, it is much more reliable!!

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Nick did you see these videos http://d-mis-web.ana.bris.ac.uk/personal/H...f/media/gasgas/ ? they are for a GasGAs pro not sure if all is same like on your 80 model but there is video that shows where the pickup is. I remember the guy in the videos saying something that it should be clean. Maybe that is your problem ? mine had a new Ducati iginition last year with the same problems i hope you just have to clean the contacts.


Edited by EdHolland
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Hi Finn,

I haven't worked on the GG 80's, I think the engine is either Minarelli or Moto Morini, not sure what type of ignition system is fitted. A friends GG 80 bike had ignition problems that were traced to a screw coming undone in the stator area that caused a bit of damage, worth a look. There is usually no electronic eye for ign pick up, just a small coil that provides a regulated burst of current at the right time (when a passing magnet embedded in the flywheel rotates across the coil). From my understanding of the ign system, this coil provides the representation for the motor rpm so an algorithm for the ignition firing versus rpm can be tracked. Alternatively, it could be the trigger coil signalling when the ignition should fire and there would be another system to determine the motor rpm to enable the mapping to operate. Could be wrong too!

Bye, PeterB.

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Thanks guy's,

After many phone calls to dealers, mecanic's and GasGas UK, all of which were very helpful but had no idea what the problem was, I phoned Westcountry windings who explained my fault to a T, it seems that they get a lot of problems with the gasgas stator.

Apparently when the coils starts to break down they do so under heat, so the first time you try it runs for a little while then stops. The second time it runs is shorter and so on until it won't start at all! Leave it 10 mins and it starts!!!

I've sent it off and should get it back soon - working I hope........



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Just for future reference,

West country windings are excellent, I sent them the stator on a Friday night, they phoned me about midday on Monday to say they had found a fault with the coil suppling elec for the ignition side of the stator.

They re-wound the suspect coil and popped it back in the post on Monday evening - I got it the next day, spent 20 mins putting it all back together gave it one good kick, it fired-up and ticked over lovely.

What I have noticed is it had been breaking down for some while, sometimes the bike would die under heavy acceleration which I had put down to jetting, it doesn't do it anymore!

I can't praise West country windings enough, a very professional service for a minimal cost compared to new. They also do a fault checking service for about a

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