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Just Out Of Interest


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I presume you are talking about the bike cutting out when it is at extreme downhill angles?

Have you done the proper float height setup as described on R2WTrials' website?

I had the same problem on my previous two bikes, but the carb setup sorted it, it is probably just the bike flooding. Also worth trying may be the carb extensions available from beta dealers if you have running problems after doing the mod.

Tinkering is the best policy.


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Yes it's normal... No it's not supposed to happen. :rolleyes:

The drilling mod that is in these forums and here:


addresses this specific issue. The float height is related but mostly about idle/ low revs quality. It's free (no cost) to set correctly. The float extension is for the opposite problem to what you have, its for extended up hills so that the bowl has a bit more volume and picks up lower (meaning it can still draw fuel at a sharper incline.

Before you do the drilling mod ensure that your breathers/ overflow are free and that the one on the exhaust side hasn't melted and pinched off.

So if you do the float height and check your breather/ overflows are clear I would be very surprised if you needed the drilling mod, but if you do, thats what its for. It essentially raises the level at which the overflows start to bleed, which on the extreme nosewheely angle is too low, as from the factory.



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