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Potential Petrol Crisis


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Just been listening to the news re the shutting down of Scotlands petro chemical plant, and apparently people are panic buying, some forecourts are empty of fuel Will this have any direct affect on the SSDT?

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Just been listening to the news re the shutting down of Scotlands petro chemical plant, and apparently people are panic buying, some forecourts are empty of fuel Will this have any direct affect on the SSDT?

Not sure mate, the organisers used to "buy" a tanker load and it was transported to where the Army boys added the 2T oil, not sure what the proceedure is now or if they have the fuel yet as there is still over a week until it's really needed.

The main problem up here is that folks have been being daft by filling up every single day...daft morons. If they would just draw fuel normally rather than just topping up their tanks daily, there would be no crisis.

The UK has stocks for 70 days which is well within the tolerance of the strike (2 days) and the re-booting of Grangemouth refinery (1 month).

However, many stations today up here have run low or out of Diesel, Unleaded still available, I got my supply (as I do normally about now) for the 2 Pre-65 bikes we are using in a weeks time, rather than risk trying to get fuel next week at the Fort.

Big John

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I got my supply (as I do normally about now) for the 2 Pre-65 bikes we are using in a weeks time, rather than risk trying to get fuel next week at the Fort.

Big John

Do you think you will need that 150 gal you bought for the pre 65 John.

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A similar thing happened down here the last time there was a shortage, possibly lasted for 48 hours tops, loads of panic etc etc then back to normal. It is the idiots that fill up daily that upset the apple cart. :banana2:

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A similar thing happened down here the last time there was a shortage, possibly lasted for 48 hours tops, loads of panic etc etc then back to

When was that,i must of been in the pub,looking out and watching people panic about something. :banana2:

Problem today people worry to much about little thing's.

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