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Attn Craig(city Trials)


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Craig- I forgot to stop by and donate to Pats cause on Sat(great job Sat Pat- we are proud of ya) I left as soon as trials was over to drive home sat. night. Give me an address to send a check please. I thought you looked professional in your press bib!!! The disposable camera you were shooting with really added to the aura!!!!!

Take care and good luck to all you guys!!

Tom B.

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Hey Tom,

I was going to use my cell phone camera, but those are banned by the FIM if you want a press bib.

Hey, I saw your post on the communication devises, not sure what brand they are - but Ace team trials guys are using them, maybe they'll help you out. I'd love to have one of those to use with Pat.

The check can be sent to the farm @ Patrick Smage: Rt 3669 - Bray Rd. Elkhorn, Wisc. 53121 Oh, and a big thanks to ALL of Nitro, even Tim D. for all of the support you've given to Pat, past and present. And for the time your club put in observing this weekend in Tennessee. NITRO ROCKS!

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The FIM is so darn stringent!!!!

Who are the "ACE" team? I have used 2 differnt types of communicators- Collett Electronics from Canada(mainly used by snowmobilers) and a NADY communicator. Coletts weren't full duplex(where both people can talk and be heard at same time) but worked pretty well. My friends got tired of hearing my bull**** so they crushed em!!! lol

The ones the riders used this last weekend appeared to be much smaller than what I used.

The Nitro guys are a good bunch of people- I try not to bring down their standards too much!!

I just watched Phils Smagical Adventure again the other night and am still impressed by how well done it is and how funny it is!!! I will buy the next one(if their is one).

We are rooting for Pat and tell him we are all proud of him.

The check is in the mail!!!

And Craig- Thanks for all you do for Pat He will remeber that forever!! Now don't get any ideas of huggin or kissn on me because of those nice remarks I said.

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