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Rock N' Roll From Yer Old Pal Charlie


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Shameless plug time.

This is where my trials riding energy has been going.

The old Sherco still has a place of honor in the garage and gets ridden a couple times a year, but the cornfields of eastern PA are much more conducive playing music.

Anyway...our first album is out, it's gotten some nice reviews (no bad ones!) and is playing on a few local/indy radio statios and some actual good ol' airwaves.

A few folks at the local NPR affiliate are pushing to get us on a national show called "Live at the World Cafe".

It's even selling pretty well on cdbaby...even a handful of overseas sales.

Maybe we'll be big in Japan!

If anybody is interested, you can hear some samples and even buy a copy here.


Y'all be good.


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Nice Stuff, Charlie!

I like it all , and I really like the mix of different instruments, strings, flute, and orchestration.

"Writing on the Wall"is my favorite track. I like the jazzier songs that leave you more escape routes than the more structured R&B.

Is that you I've seen over on the Gibson forums?

All the best,


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Shameless plug time.

This is where my trials riding energy has been going.

The old Sherco still has a place of honor in the garage and gets ridden a couple times a year, but the cornfields of eastern PA are much more conducive playing music.

Anyway...our first album is out, it's gotten some nice reviews (no bad ones!) and is playing on a few local/indy radio statios and some actual good ol' airwaves.

A few folks at the local NPR affiliate are pushing to get us on a national show called "Live at the World Cafe".

It's even selling pretty well on cdbaby...even a handful of overseas sales.

Maybe we'll be big in Japan!

If anybody is interested, you can hear some samples and even buy a copy here.


Y'all be good.



I've been traveling 185 miles round trip per day the last few days to help set up a big two-day Trial we're putting on next weekend to benefit the Scott Carter Foundation (funds research on childhood cancer) and my Glenside Allstars CD had arrived in the mail yesterday so I had a WONDERFUL drive this morning to the Trials ground with some of the best travelin' music I've ever heard!


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Awwww, shucks. :wall:

You guys are swell.

Shaun...that could be me on Gibsontalk.com...pretty boring group, though.

At our album release party, we only did 5 tunes and "Writing" was one of them.

Great tune.

And, JON!!

You actually bought the album!

Whatta guy!

I'm glad you like it.

Our songwriter/bandleader really is brilliant.

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Charlie, I love you man, but if i'm driving 185miles, I am headin' to Austin, not Philly! For the Country and Blues, and Eric Johnson type jazz! I am spoiled!

Sorry, I just gave your first bad review, I appologize, Peace, Love, Dove and all that other ****

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't sweat it Cope.

I don't consider "I wouldn't drive from Texas to Pennsylvania to see you," a bad review!

And...that Eric Johnson cat can barely play...must be missing a finger or two.

If you want to hear some REAL gee-tar playing, you have to buy the Glenside Allstars album! :P

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Don't sweat it Cope.

I don't consider "I wouldn't drive from Texas to Pennsylvania to see you," a bad review!

And...that Eric Johnson cat can barely play...must be missing a finger or two.

If you want to hear some REAL gee-tar playing, you have to buy the Glenside Allstars album! :D

Mark's from Texas, so we give him a lot of leeway as to his opinions.......:P

Ampliflower is the album name and Charlie's picture on the inside is worth the price of the CD,

he almost looks like he's smiling................


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