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Grabby Clutch Shudder


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Don't know if it's all in my head but I've noticed my clutch is a bit grabby with a bit of a shudder. Never done a clutch before but I've read the service manual and it doesn't look too hard. I've just replaced the water pump seals and flushed the oil several times. If needed should all the plates be replaced and should the metal plates be dead flat or should I just try cleaning them. If so which cleaning agent. I don't know exaclty what to look for.

Any help appreciated.

Edited by clav3
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Easy enough to get to with the small cover only.

Plates should be flat! Usually a warped set will creep and drag o lot!

Best to do both sets if they are nackered!

And if ANYBODY knows about creeping and dragging, Copey does.......<_<

Use a piece of glass, carefully, (or a $30,00 granite surface plate...) and lay the steel plate on it, then try to slide a feeler gauge, say .003", in from the side at various degrees around the plate to check it for warp. Sometimes just looking at it from the side will show if the plate is not flat on the glass surface.


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Just because mi bike exhibits spastic jerkey motions accompanied by strange guttural sounds does not mean my plates are defective! <_<

Examine the plates and through them on a flat countertop, if they are done you will know! Particularly if the steels are blued!

Edited by copemech
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