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Gas Gas / Marzocchi


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Does anyone know if this fork 'issue' has been resolved between Gas Gas and Marzocchi? and will the new 2009 bikes be shipping with the Alloy Marzocchi's??

What is/was the problem?

Have heard that any 2008 bikes shipping now come with heavier Sachs forks.

Is this another financial row?

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hi my mate got a 08 gas gas it camr with sachs forks then gas gas recalled them as they lock up when fully compressed so they were replaced with marzocchi`s and the reason they changed was gas gas had a 5year contract that they would be the only manufcturer who would get them forks but scorpa were supplied with out taking contract into consideration so gas gas spat the dummy and tried sachs but were no good.

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Got our 2 gassers in december and they had the marzocchi's in but i know now that they have changed to pirelli forks which aint ally all the way through. This is, i believe, was because that marzocchi couldnt keep up demand

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Cool, so sounds like a short term thing then...

I had heard both of these 'stories' - still seems a little odd that Marzocchi

1) couldn't keep up with demand but managed to make them for Scorpa

2) whilst at the same time managing to forget that they had an exclusive contract with Gas Gas!!

So does the new Raga Rep have the Marzocchi's on?

Sounds like they have resolved the issue now which is good news (unless you got one with the Sachs forks)

Edited by nickday1
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Here in Australia the first shipment of 2008 came with the Marzocchi then there was a significant delay on the supply of the second shipment because of the no supply of the Marzocchi forks. The second run had 38 mm paoili without full compression , rebound setting capabilities found on the Marzocchis.


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The up to date news on the forks for the Raga replicas is that the 250/280 models have Marzocchi's while the 300 is supposed to have the Sachs/GG fork.

Bye, PeterB.

Christ!! so if you buy the most expensive model that GG make you get the poorer forks........ what the **** is that about?

I have seen a new Raga rep and agree with 'Baldilocks' - yes they have a Marzocchi sticker on the top but they dont look the same as the Marzocchi's.

Is it just me or is this all a bit weird?

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I looked at a raga at the weekend, the tubes were Marzocchi but the legs looked different ?


Just to add a little more mystery....did those forks look like the 40mm forks fitted to the ????....XISPA?? <_<

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Just to add a little more mystery....did those forks look like the 40mm forks fitted to the ????....XISPA?? :(

Probably.....wouldn't surprise me <_<

So did GG actually have a contract with Marzocchi over these forks or not? Surely if they did then supply would need to stop for Scorpa and (probably) Xispa

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The plot thickens..............

In the new Motocross Digital they have a test on the 08 Raga Rep and the specs clearly state that they ARE shipping with the Sachs forks + they reviewer comments on the Sachs forks.

BUT in one of the pics, you can clearly see the Marzocchi sticker on the top of the forks - Hmmmmm!

I have seen 2 new Raga Reps and they both had the 'Marzocchi sticker' on but they definitely did NOT look like Marzocchi forks.

This is an Italian test, but I cant see that they would use different forks for different countries.

have a butchers:


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