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An Appeal To All Events Posters /organisers


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Hi all, just returned to trials after a 10 year lay off through illness. Just done my 3rd trial and a big thankyou to all who have welcomed me back Michael, Micky, Mark to name a few .

My point is, yes its ok when you are trialing for years and know all the venues, its easy to find, but for me, and lads new to trials its a bit hard to find the venue.

So my appeal to you is list the full adress, or at least a postcode /google earth map/or nearest postcode.

I know contact numbers are posted but few seem to answer and none have replied.

Also, no indication of standard is posted ,eg I have only ever rode 'easy'

My first trial was a championship trial, second ,no easy, third timed ,and no easy. dont get me wrong, I did them and tested myself more than ever a DNF, Last finisher and a 4th from last finisher has given me a taste of the clubmans and maybe that is where I will stay,but my plea is, let us know venue post code and standard, that is all .

Thankyou, Dom

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I agree with the postcode issue. Some clubs sign post well and some do not. I did a trial last week and I doubt I would have found it if I had not caught up with on the way there a rider I knew who was on his way and knew the venue. <_<

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I agree with the postcode issue. Some clubs sign post well and some do not. I did a trial last week and I doubt I would have found it if I had not caught up with on the way there a rider I knew who was on his way and knew the venue. <_<

Yes, I can remember going to a new venue a few years back. After an hour driving around the area and asking at two different petrol stations, we spotted the riders ridfing around the outside of a scramble track.

Turning up late for the start, one of the organisers moaned that we were signing on late, when I commented that a few arrows would have been handy, he replied "there's no need for arrows, everyone knows where ********* scamble track is!" :(

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